it's none of my biz but multiple high profile Hiveans like blocktrades curangel ...

in DBuzz5 years ago

it's none of my biz but multiple high profile Hiveans like blocktrades curangel steemychicken1 vortac etc ... are voting on a fake profile of a minor, a time stamp on one of the photos included on the post is 22 years old... just saying



also, your argument has no sense, if the picture is 22 y/o then the minor is no longer a minor and can legally give consent to publish,
also if the minor is no longer a minor then it doesnt break the TOS of the front ends which dont limit the age of the persons at the time the pics were taken but only the age of the people using the sites, also its not id deception since if as you say the timestamp is obvious then there is no deception as the age of the pic. you mean this?

Well, perhaps it is your business. Maybe share the profile and tag the peeps voting so they are aware?

Nah leave it, time tag is into the face, nobody can miss it and the same user has the multiple high value profiles on Hive, I mean, if they don't pay attention, I will not do it for them.

that being said your are a fucking attention whore and beyond and you didnt do any service to yourself by bringing me into this, you will regret it

You missed this and you didn’t miss a dot on a strippers profile picture made by digital technique? You are a failure

well Im here now, how did I miss it.....?

Stop mauling Grove. The rest of us are not the machines. What stripper?

I said miss, not stripper.... ;)
Oh sorry , I just noticed you dont know how to reply to a comment,
note: you have to click on the shit that says reply on THAT comment.
PS you two, just get a room After receiving multiple flags from The Ego instead of a question, it only encourages me not to report anything because what would be a reaction if I do. Normandy? Better to meditate in peace under my oak...

Yeah, you actually wouldn't have gotten flags if you actually let people know what was wrong.

The fact that you acted smug earned you those flags. If you cared at all, you would have actually reported. Instead, you decided to throw shade at people.

That's what happens.

I doubt you see it in this moment but you throw shade on yourself. I care little to nothing about any flags, if you want names I will be here when you calm down.

I doubt you see it in this moment but you throw shade on yourself.

Nope, the moment you typed this:

Nah leave it, time tag is into the face, nobody can miss it and the same user has the multiple high value profiles on Hive, I mean, if they don't pay attention, I will not do it for them.

I decided that I didn't want to ask a question because you were literally wasting time.

Learn to be direct next time.

Tomorrow you will learn that you were having a public nervous breakdown. Unimpressed.

Nobody will remember a thing because nobody pays attention on this platform according to you.

You didnt report anything, just a vague accusation without mentioning any post, you are just an attention whore with no balls

You drop your balls every time an account has coverage

I drop nothing, all my targets get what they deserve

Aw you know each other. Nevermind.

he sure knows you.... I have no clue who this fuck is

Yes. The last what I received from Fuck was John McAfee tweet , cake and something about the barrel exploding. I thought we lost host or half of city is on fire. Is this it?

And/or report the profile or the post with the pic (anonymously) to one of the blacklists. Perhaps @enforcer48 and/or @themarkymark can advise better than me.

User who is maintaining that one & few others has reputation +70, & those profiles have highearnings/post. I don't get how they missed a time tag. Maybe they didn't. And it is pretty damn discouraging when new users figure out things like those. That's why I just for fun.

Gee, I don't know.

How did YOU miss the other 9999 things that we find?

I hate bullshit posts like this because it doesn't serve to better the community. It's only used for throwing shades at people who volunteer their time to deal with some abuse and fraud on the platform.

Obviously the entire damn Hive missed it cause only you, oh great one, didn't.

you have to use the 8 matrix method of blabla to take that stick out of your ass, motherfucker

Dude, i almost hit the downvote button on your comment due to the attitude and language and not being not tagged with NSFW. Fortunately i caught myself so didn't react.

Not saying that @enforcer48's comment didn't have some "attitude" there either. (i assume that's who you were replying to - although it would be best for me not to, as to assume is to make an ass of u and me :-)

However, i in-courage everyone to #BeeKind



  1. there are no tags on comments, imbecile
    2)Thats the socratic filter, not the scammer you got, retard.
    3)neversecond guess me

I love you brother


Stop torturing people, this is not nice.