Many people have failed in their life at one point in one thing or the other. In education, career, marriage, relationships, or even a simple game haha. Many after failing just give up and refuse to try again. They refuse to go at it again and loss out on something really beautiful. Some let fear grip them so much that they become critical of everything. They never really get pass that experience of their failure.
You hear people say, I really want to do something but I'm scared it might be a scam, I might fail at it, I will not succeed etc. At some point, they had rather have someone bear the risk and do it for them. How would you be sure if you are not even willing to try? Life is all about risks. Everything in life is all about risks. Just stepping out there everyday is a risk. Letting fear of failure rule you eliminates any chance of success to begin with. You know why? Simply, because you have failed already without even starting.
I examined the life of a software developer, or a programmer or coder. If you have ever had any experience of writing code, the disappointment when the code runs and is not giving the desired output after all your efforts. You try and try to fix it and it won't work. The frustration is just something else and you feel like bringing the whole place down. But these people don't give up on their code. They keep going at it trying to fix the error in their code. And when it finally works after multiple times of failing, the results are just amazing and you feel so special and on top of the world.
Someone said coders are the only people who will feel like the biggest idiot in a second and in a few minutes later like a genius. That is so true, they feel stupid in their failure to get the code working but when they finally succeed and the output is out there, people can only say wow. And he feels like a complete genius at that point. I said to mysel, if only people can be like these guys. Failing so many times but keeping at it. Trying over and over again. Failing is normal and should not be dreaded. Failure only brings you one step closer to success.Don't let failure deceive you into thinking you are a failure. You are not, it just means it did not work this time and I have to try again.