A San Francisco based computer programmer Stefan Thomas has forgot the password to his account of bitcoin wallet that is worth $240m (£175m) fortune. Stefan Thomas got 7002 bitcoins a decade ago for making a video on how cryptocurrency works. A coin that was $2-$6 each that time is worth around $34000 each, making his walled valued at $240m.
German born Thomas has already enter 8 passwords and left with two attempts to unlock it. Two more wrong passwords will encrypt his hard drive, which contains private keys to bitcoin - and fortune will be lost forever.
What would you do in this case?? Comments please.
(Read full article: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2021/jan/12/in-bits-the-programmer-locked-out-of-his-130m-bitcoin-account)
This is so unfortunate. This is a lesson that we should save the passwords at the safest place. I would like to wish him all the very best for last two attempts.
Also I wonder can IT professionals not help him for password .🤔 I am sure they can.
Yea some of IT professionals would be trying to help but at cost. But I think thats fair enough deal.
I hope he get his hard earned money.
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Hi @hivewatchers, thanks for the reminder. This will not happen again. Thanks again.