Teachers make or break learning.
The same concepts that may come across as boring may be enlightening discoveries in another class.
Your teachers may make you love or hate what you're studying.
(Proven experientially through my online course...)
Posted via D.Buzz
There's also a second layer to this. The Student-Teacher-Chemistry: One teacher might be boring to one student and fascinating to the other, and vice-versa.
A place where you're forced to stick with a teacher that doesn't work with you, fails at education. #SchoolsNeedtoChange!
Posted via D.Buzz
Schools need change, definitely, and technology will ensure this revolution of education! (:
Posted via D.Buzz
Glad that you agree~
Posted via D.Buzz
Good teachers mentor their students through out the life and especially when the student is going through turmoils. Good students on the other hand learns from his teacher and remembers that his teacher taught these lessons to him.
Yes so true!! (:
Posted via D.Buzz
Teachers may also make or break your child from a young age.
Posted via D.Buzz