Today I worked in the garden, and what did I find? When I saw it, my h ...

in DBuzz2 years ago (edited)

Today I worked in the garden, and what did I find?
When I saw it, my heart jumped out of place, I immediately freed my little miracle from the wet walnut leaves.
And look, the snowdrop opens on the 11th of January!

#snowdrops #mygarden #photography #hive

Posted via D.Buzz  


These look like they're glowing!! Nice~

Posted via D.Buzz

 2 years ago  

Very nice flowers.
When I first looked at the photo, I thought it is an onion.

Posted via D.Buzz

Thank you for your visit!You are funny, my dear friend @mehmetfix!

Hi Am not sure you see this but I Uninstalled

This was an amazing discovery really brought a smile to my face 👍