
in DBuzz4 years ago


Posted via D.Buzz https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmSVpQ49qmZBjBvjYcECTgjqMG8zWUNynwEGA9ux8B7o9S https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmRvYom6N5XtXn7uVHhXjZ2XfkYkh8XxtFRH7zD6oeVFDq https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmRDbdL3qyfUxrZ6wzpk2cunt6QhsZZYD59i5TUwty5PPU


Maybe it shows only the "blog" so could you maybe try re blogging you post ?

Thank you very much. can.
After updating the blog again, it was posted to SPT.
But the past is gone. .. ..

Ahhh okay so they probably use the byBlog thing for reblogs ... so reblogging made it show up ! but sadly you won't get the timeline though