It's nice to know there is someone out there like you @deeanndmathews who has the patience to explain these things to people. Make it "grandma-friendly" for them as I always say.
I do love Meetups however and meeting new people. Ask me about something I am passionate about and I'll talk your ear off.
The 7-day "limit" comment comes up a lot, it feels like a btc maxi troll trying to talk me out of Hive and talk up their coin. I actually bookmarked that reply I sent to you since it comes up so often. So I have this "don't mess with my Hive!" defense mechanism now.
For me this stuff is second nature. I've been running businesses and releasing software products since 1993 so for me to explain to someone again and again how money works and why UX is so important etc becomes, well, annoying. I worked a Tech Support job for 1 day once if that tells you anything about me hehe ;)
Thanx for your understanding (Dee?), ping me any time if you need anything. 😊
email: agorise[at]pm.me
There is a reason everybody loves Grandma ... but also why business needs harder-driving, get-it-done, no-nonsense types as well. Because Hive is an organic community, there is room for both!
BTC maxis are annoying ... I liken them to cult members ... but most new Hivers are just thrown by coming into an environment in which working vertically to maximize the seven days is so new ... as if someone were to take a sailing vessel suitable for my local bay and try to round the Cape of Good Hope with it ... that would lead to some flailing around in the water, but they actually are not trying to drown anyone or even baptize anyone into their cult like the BTC maxis, although I imagine you must just get tired of being splashed and dragged into the same conversation, over and over and over again ...
Dee, or Deeann, are both fine. I have been dubbed "Ms. Dee" by so many friends and students that it has stuck, so I use it as my brand name, if you will. I presume your name is Kenneth and you prefer Ken ...
"No-nonsense" is spot on. We don't have time to waste. Build build build.
Many people use the web3 buzzword all over the place too, but have no freakin clue what it means. Use web3, as much of it as you can, or else stop talkin about it. The maxis proclaim to be sooooo decentralised, yet they still push their right-wing Gab page like it's goin out of style. hypocrisy I tells ya 😩
Nope, just Ken actually, nice to "meet" you Dee :)
I love your "Cape" analogy btw. Spot on!
Oh, I heard about Gab ... what a mess!
It is nice to meet you too ... a bit of a rough start, but, onward!