Why do most businesses short of employees? While most businesses are u ...

in DBuzz2 years ago

Why do most businesses short of employees?

Posted via D.BuzzWhile most businesses are understaffed, I was wondering where those people who get laid off are. Most of them are on unemployment benefits, I have a question, is it enough for living? Do they start their own business? #understaffed


I am guessing that quite a few people in the #US who live off #Unemployment #Benefits also live with family or friends who pay most of their rent.

Posted via D.Buzz#Guessing

Posted via D.BuzzSome of them get #unemployment #benefits but they still need to look for work. They would rather work for cash because they can get 2 ways income. It happens.

I don't know about other countries, but in Libya, both retirement income and unemployment benefits (depending on the original job) may be enough to live alone, but never enough for a whole family.

It's one reason my mother hasn't retired yet, despite us telling her to.


Posted via D.Buzz