The price of Bitcoin in Bolívares that is the currency of Venezuela is 3,733,550,723.98, waooo a million, the price in usd is 10112.49.
The price of Bitcoin in Bolívares that is the currency of Venezuela is 3,733,550,723.98, waooo a million, the price in usd is 10112.49.
Amazing conversion. Here I think it's half a million pesos roughly
Yes, inflation is immense in Latin American countries, but in Venezuela it is much more.
#Venezuela was praised by US Presidential candidate #BernieSanders 5-8 years ago, or something like that-then the economy completely collapsed due to hyperinflation:
#Socialism + #Communism starts w/ #ClassWarfare, and it's starting in the #UnitedStates
For 30 years the economy has been in decline, in the last 8 years it went into hyper inflation, bad practice in politics the factor that unleashed everything, corruption and the lust for power. Venezuela has a lot of natural wealth such as oil, gold, iron, diamond, uranium, aluminum, only those who lead us have not been able to manage the country.