I am very #stagnant these days. What do you think can be done about this? How can ...

in DBuzz4 months ago
  1. Find joy in noticing new things in your daily activities.
  2. Review your long-term goals and connect your daily tasks to them.
  3. Does the step ahead of you seem too big or scary? Beyond that feeling lies success. Break the step down into smaller parts and move boldly.

    Posted via D.Buzz
 4 months ago  

I'm having trouble breaking it into smaller pieces. Thank you so much for these tips. 😍

Posted via D.Buzz

Keep breaking down the task into smaller steps until you can find something you can will yourself to do. Focus only on the next step, or you'll get distracted with planning. At times, when I was ill, the big task was "personal hygiene," but I had to break it down until my first step was "sit up." On one or two days, I even had to break that down further - "wiggle my toes". I learned this from an Arctic Racer who struggled with getting out of a warm sleeping bag to pack up her camp and continue the journey.

 4 months ago  

Yes, that makes sense. This was a revelation to me. This time I'll break down the tasks I'm going to do into much smaller pieces.

Posted via D.Buzz

Must make yourself move.

Posted via D.Buzz

 4 months ago  

Yes, I need to solve this problem. I'm tired of having trouble taking action. 😀

Meow Mehmet. I think you should take some of your magic pills and the world is yours :D Just kidding. I suppose you should think less and do more, because your problems wont get solved from sitting and thinking alone. Hrrr

 4 months ago  

I wish you were truly the person you say you are...

Yes, my problems won't be solved by sitting alone and thinking, but at least I am aware of my problem and I am trying to solve it.

I wish you good fortune, Sir.

hello. try herbs. regards :P

 4 months ago  

I will try.
What kind of thing do you suggest exactly?

there are many herbs that can help you with fatigue.
i would begin with the easiest i can identify. for example dandelion and nettle. and those you can exactly identify and grow near you, you can consume daily. more and more your body and mind will get used to it to your routine and you can try to identify more plants that can be used for certain areas.

best regards and i am happy if you tell me which herb you wanna try :D

 4 months ago  

For now, I decided to drink fennel tea and chamomile tea to help my stomach aches. I will research new herbs in the future.

What exactly is the problem with your stomach? You were suffering when we met last time already. I wish you to get better my friend.