... prove to be a real game-changer for the entire Hive Community.
There are so many things to write out. This is going to be exciting!
@artakush @unklebonehead @minigunner @kencode @bambukah @cbrs
Posted via D.Buzz
... prove to be a real game-changer for the entire Hive Community.
There are so many things to write out. This is going to be exciting!
@artakush @unklebonehead @minigunner @kencode @bambukah @cbrs
Posted via D.Buzz
Looking forward to hearing more, @mercadomaestro ... I am always up for being involved in very dynamic change of every variety!
Lots of things being done in the background privately.
Everything I say is related somehow ;)
Oh what's this like? Can you give some tips please? 😱
Posted via D.Buzz
It's something along the lines of business development, that could utilize Hive, but I can't say anything else as it's only in the early stages of planning at the moment
Oh super. I wish you success. 😀
Posted via D.Buzz
Thanks. So far, this project has brought together almost 10 people 💪
So can I take part in this project too?
Posted via D.Buzz
on the Hive side, yes :)
It's definitely gonna be a fun ride!
Yessir. At the very least, we can learn what people are made of...which can be somewhat disappointing when you champion a cause and learn that people who claim to be purists aren't always purists
Let's do this!
What's Claire's username on Hive and Cast.Garden?
Posted via D.BuzzP.S. I heard the question about what is better, money or stuff? 😅 @unklebonehead @allentaylor
Posted via D.Buzz@clareartista on Hive and her podcast name is "The Art of Life" on CastGarden. https://cast.garden/c/theartoflife/videos
Thank you loads for mentioning me here, dear @unklebonehead - exciting times, all the change that we're in the waves of!
Feel free to share your content on https://d.buzz, @clareartista.
Posted via D.BuzzI heard about your content on a podcast by @unklebonehead @allentaylor and @kencode.
Thank you for the invite to share there, dear @chrisrice - I will endeavour to connect more on D.Buzz, if I can link it when I upload my podcast on Castgarden 🤗 I really appreciate the mention - thank you sincerely, @unklebonehead @allentaylor and @kencode!! It is good to feel more connected and going in the right direction...
Yes, if you paste the link to a cast.garden video it will automatically embed on d.buzz.
Same with 3speak.tv, YouTube and Bitchute videos.
Posted via D.Buzz
Definitely. Besides....Cast.Garden could use some...private chat features, wouldn't you say? 😜