@dbuzz - Where is the downvote button? - Why I'm not able to unvote ...

in DBuzz4 years ago


  • Where is the downvote button?
  • Why I'm not able to unvote the spam?

    Posted via D.Buzz

this is twitter theres no downvoting. go ahead and be liek jack dorsey and report stuff but you can use hive for that dingus. stop being a nit picking nerd lol ur gonan ruin our left wing trap for communists, we will pay u plenty. dont worry BERNIESANDERS, hah gotem

Posted via D.Buzz

Unvote/downvote on a hive.blog, it all ends up in the same place

I know. What I'm trying to say is: If app have a upvote feature it should also have downvote feature

Can you get on discord or openhive.chat for a min? I want to send you the hacked accounts list.

You can always send a private message via peakd/beechat

What about openhive.chat?

You'll need to manually revoke the upvotes, then turn off your curation trail for a bit until this all subsides.

Posted via D.Buzz

"manually" - that's what I'm asking for. App doesn't have downvote/unvote button

Posted via D.Buzz

Oh, um...shit...that might be a question for @chrisrice. Or, go through this:


It's clunky, but at least it tells you what you've upvoted and you can revoke that upvote from there.

Posted via D.Buzz

I know, I can do that, but what with people who joined Hive via dbuzz and dbuzz is the only Hive app they know?

Posted via D.Buzz

In defense of D Buzz: It is still a beta software. I think it will improve over time.

Posted via D.Buzz

Yeah, we are working as fast as we can! 😀

Posted via D.Buzz

Posted via D.BuzzThen that can be something for @chrisrice to deal with.

Yeah, it is something we need to add.

 4 years ago (edited) 

An Unvote feature is on the way 👍

  • @dbuzz is the newest social media #HiveDapp to be built from the ground up, so we aren't 100% complete yet.

New releases tomorrow:

Posted via D.Buzz#ProjectUpdate @ddfr33k

Es sumamente necesario

Posted via D.Buzz

Can you at least mute them or blacklist them?

Posted via D.Buzz

Sorry, you don't have enough staked BEER in your account. You need 24 BEER in your virtual fridge to give some of your BEER to others. To view or trade BEER go to hive-engine.com