Everything okay?

in DBuzz6 months ago

So, they pulled my comedy video from the 'trending' list on #3Speak, where it had moved solidly into the top 10. I wanted to complain about it on #DBuzz, but the site isn't loading for me. Anybody have any insight into what might be going on with these things?


Not sure my friend! Things have been decent on my end, but I’m sorry to hear you’re having troubles!

I don't know how this works at 3speak (don't use it), but 'trending' usually factors in the age of a post, as well. Maybe your post aged out of trending?

I had considered that, but there were older posts than mine in trending. Looking at trending today, however, I see that there's nothing in there older than 2 days anymore, so that may just be it.

Posted via D.Buzz