I finally got a phone that allows me to do stuff. I've been busy, but I think I ...

in DBuzzlast year

... can find time now for a Buzz or two! The sawmill has been quite active...

Posted via D.Buzz


Did you get a phobe that can spell its name right?

Oh no, nothing that fancey. I just upgraded from the $20 model to the $40 model. I still have to carefully choose which apps to install, and avoid recording video, at least until I scrape together enough non-copper pennies to get a $30 memory card for it.

Looking good! You really are getting good use out of that mill!

Yes I am! This is actually the second location I've set the sawmill up at; at this point, it has already paid for itself 3 times over.

Congrats on the new phone! 🎉 It's great to hear that you're finding some time to relax and catch up on things. The sawmill sounds like it's been keeping you on your toes.

Posted via D.Buzz

Thanks! I haven't exactly found time to relax and catch up yet, but now that I can post from my phone, I can engage a bit more here in the moments I find through the day.