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RE: Google's Portion of the Truth? Here's something I didn't expect in the third ...

in DBuzz10 months ago

I feel like this is nit-picking. Many cultures called the Kyivskaya Rus Russians. The truth about this, and many places with ancient roots, is that the truth depends on who in the area you ask. Where cultures mingled, people living in the same area could refer to that area in different ways, while the rest of the world would refer to it as something else. I've dug just a little bit into the history of Eastern Europe and Russia, and what I've found is that it's a lot like the area of Israel/Palestine... very complicated.


I will add that Putin's regim tries to use it to rewrite history in school books. I have heard that they prefer to skip the word Kyivskaya, they just use the word Rus . Still Ukrainians and Russians have different cultures, with long history on attempts of Russia to destroy Ukrainian culture and call the other country own province