Just WOW!
It seems there is quite some educating left to do on quantum resistance and the fact that HIVE doesn't (yet) have any.
Posted via D.Buzz
Just WOW!
It seems there is quite some educating left to do on quantum resistance and the fact that HIVE doesn't (yet) have any.
Posted via D.Buzz
Don't care about that. just do your best. Hive needs QR mechanism which gives it a protection layer against quantum computers. I am not really into encryption stuff that much, but I knew how that can be harmful. Thanks a lot.
Posted via D.Buzz
Full context please?
I wonder what they think Quantum Resistance mean, because as far as I know there's no cryptocurrency that can withstand a quantum computer attack at the moment. (Correct me if I'm wrong on this?)
Posted via D.Buzz
Even with context I doubt it would help. He seems to be a bit of a nut 🌰
Posted via D.Buzz
I'm not defending them, I wanted the full context to understand the problem better...
Posted via D.Buzz
Which is understandable, but he's been posting whacky nonsense for years lol
Posted via D.Buzz
Posted via D.BuzzI am working on a set of libraries for hash-based signatures for Python and C++, and made a proposal in the hope to be able to spent more time-resources on them. https://peakd.com/me/proposals/168 At the moment $QRL is the only quantum resistant coin using hash-based signatures.
What a nice proposal, decided to support!
Posted via D.Buzz
Posted via D.BuzzWhat do you think about the investment prospects of #QRL?
$QRL, today, is the only hedge against the fall-out from a QC attack against a blockchain (other than something like silver). Something that shouldn't be possible for at least a few more years. However, it's on very few exchanges and their $ETH plans IMHO aren't thought through.
Posted via D.Buzz
Hm? What's the relationship between $ETH & $QRL...?
Posted via D.Buzz
Posted via D.BuzzThe fact that the enqlave is currently priority number one for the $QRL development team. https://www.enqlave.io/ I personally think relying on a non-quantum-resistant network, even if just for liquidity, if folly, and they should focus all effort on native QRL.
Ah, didn't know they're working on this... I assume you think they should perfect QRL's security/inner-working before adding it to Ethereum?
Posted via D.Buzz
Posted via D.BuzzMaybe #Enclave will be used for marketimg as #ETH moons higher?
SQRL is a @telosnetwork wallet for eosio lol https://SQRLwallet.io
lol i thouight you wer talking about SQRL lol
wtf is $QRL
dont promote non DPOS non EOSIO scams here on hive man lol jk
Looks like someone was hugged too much by mommy.
Posted via D.Buzz