I'm so happy I was added with @coffeebender at the core-devs on HIVE, ...

in DBuzz4 years ago

I'm so happy I was added with @coffeebender at the core-devs on HIVE, it's much easier to report bugs since most of the members are witnesses.

Did not expect it!


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Do not miss the last post from @hivebuzz:

Feedback from the October 1st Hive Power Up Day

Ah, sorry @postnzt, I got busy, what do you mean by #Core-Devs?

And how did @coffeebender add you.

  1. Are you talking about in the #DBuzz Discord channel?


  1. The #Hive Discord channel?

I don't have access to #2 😅🤭🤫

It's not on discord, it's a self-hosted slack alternative called mattermost.


Ah okay!

Can you inform the other #HiveDevs that there is currently no way to clear notications at the blockchain level??

This is currently a big issue for us as we are a TRUE blockchain Dapp!

@coffeebender @postnzt @guiltyparties

cool! I wish I knew codes too 😂🤣😂🤣

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