I recently almost lost one of my mobile wallets after not saving it and my phone almost dying. The scare had me backup everything immediately. How well are you storing your private keys?
Posted via D.Buzz
I recently almost lost one of my mobile wallets after not saving it and my phone almost dying. The scare had me backup everything immediately. How well are you storing your private keys?
Posted via D.Buzz
Thanks for the very valuable post! Back up those pass phrases, offline and online. Have at least one password that is something you can never forget. Forgotten passwords are an issue! What's the use of a secure long or fancy-secure password if you can never memorize it!!!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I save everything in secure locations, and make sure I have a backup of that backup. All I need to work on now is that my partner knows how everything works in case something happens to me.
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Hey @phusionphil, here is a little bit of from @rarej for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.Oh! I started collecting and writing down all my seed phrases. I even ended finding a set of 24 seed phrase that i don't have an idea now for which wallet it was. 😅
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Lol, yeah I had that when I was using codenames for the text files I used to save the phrases. I didn't know what app or wallet they were for. So now I just use the actually wallet name.
tokens.i need to make back ups of the back ups. The good thing with you guys is you both know cyrpto so if something happens the other knows how to work it.
Posted via D.Buzz
Yeah doing this clean up/sort of passwords can really help.
Account-overload = need a bit more organization.
Then you'll have fun logging into your favorite NFT games, etc.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Waaaaay too many keys and exchange password of. A solution must be out there though, or in the works. But good all organization is priority.
That's what you may think, but I still need to make a complete overview of other accounts so @tanjakolader can understand everything. So far she has gotten the hang of using keys on Hive and noise.cash, but things like metamask are still unfamiliar to her.
Yeah , I actually knew better 😂 but willing it into being. Home girl better get on those keys 🔑!
There is this inheritance coin called safe haven, SHA, check it out , interesting concept. Can't wrap my head around it all but investment wise 🚀 😉
I came across them at some point in time. Seems a bit dangerous to get in now though. You should've told me in 2020. xD
I know what you mean... Haha what you say or think gets into the "ether" somewhere and gets manifested somehow. I will get the hang of it (also putting that energy out 😅).
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tokens.Food for thought. 😃