
Can’t publish some yet, but here is just a little cable 😏

It’s insane to know that they have 800G cables. Or even the 1.6TB cables they have for sale on, just insanity

And this one is a coper passive cable, imagine the long fiber optics for larger installations, where you have ~15W power consumption per transceiver! Just on transceivers its a fricking power party!

I have a couple 400G Active ones that will connect spine to leafs, and I haven't yet tested how hot they become, but the normal passive 100Gb ones already are impossible to pick up directly out from the port after a few hours of operation. So I am imagining these active 400 ones will be interesting.

Having lots of fun, but this week was quite exhausting. :P

Now weekend time!

I've talked a bit with a NTT guy and all the shit they are doing as a large carrier is insane. I assume this is in the enterprise side of things rather than carrier?

Yep, this is the new Supercomputers I am deploying.

It's insane to know there's still companies running on 10/100 meg switches while others are out here with 800G beasts and probably need to look into upgrading in the near future.