Every nation should enshrine the Rights of Nature into their constitut ...

in DBuzz3 years ago

Posted via D.BuzzEvery nation should enshrine the Rights of Nature into their constitutions. This is a rare ray of hope in the everlasting "industry vs nature" battle. https://bit.ly/3IeMh2F


Yes we must protect nature, not only for wildlife's sake but for our own future.

Posted via D.Buzz

A constitution is just words written on a piece of paper, agreed upon by generations past, and forced upon generations to come. A constitution is a collection of hollow words to be interpreted at the whim of which ever political elite is set to decide on a certain matter.

But I do agree.. natural rights are awesome.. like you said, they are rays of hope.
as a child, my told would joke with me, and told me "Hope in one hand, and shit in the other.. and see which one fills up quicker"

  • Every generation needs a revolution.

Well, that constitution wasn't so hollow in this case. And it got interpreted by the courts, however political they happen to be.