I will working for next Maya(my manga) She is Miina!πŸ‘ And it's new ch ...

in DBuzz β€’ 3 years ago

I will working for next Maya(my manga)
She is Miina!πŸ‘
And it's new cheaper of my manga!⬇️
My original manga -MAYA of the Ayakashi:ε¦–- chapter29

Posted via D.Buzz https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmcPzG79muwW24EpVAzsDBtfTzWeaqbTmx2T5bLBTohURB

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Is it strange that the part that made me the happiest about this photo, is me being able to read "Pachi Pachi" in katakana from the first glance?

Posted via D.Buzz

Yes, right! She's "clapping" her chopsticks(Hashi)!
You know Japanese language, good!πŸ˜πŸ‘