Today's Echo -- Craft

in DBuzz11 months ago (edited)

"The art of craft lies in the growth of the artist as the art emerges. We're all artists when we choose to craft our lives." -- ShadowsPub

Posted via D.Buzz


it's so beautiful

Posted via D.Buzz

 11 months ago  

What a profound quote! It beautifully captures the essence of personal growth and creativity in shaping our lives.

Posted via D.Buzz

Thank you.. that was the objective .. I appreciate the feedback

Posted via D.Buzz here's what i.mean you can upload this image you made to and it will make a 3d file you can actually 3d print. I could even resin oprint that one

if I was actually interested in doing 3D ... that might be worth using

talk about bold... you spamming my comments with images about something I already told you I don't care about .. and look pretty lame btw.