 4 years ago  

Evet küçük dilimler 100-150 arası büyük dilimler de 200 kalori İçine çok fazla tereyağ koyuyorlar ya o yüzden yüksek kalorili.

İyi ki tatlılarla aram yok :)

Yeah, the small slices are big from 100-150 to 200 calories, and they put a lot of butter in it, so it's high calorie.

 4 years ago  

Yes. Do you know Baklava?

Totally no idea! 😅

 4 years ago  

Maybe you should search :D

Using a translation tool to translate your text is already time-consuming, so I don't want to spend more time to search for every name of food you post. 😐

 4 years ago  

Ah okay I understood. 😀