## WTF The Conspiracy Guys Were Right I'm sorry but the conspiracy guy ...

in DBuzz3 years ago

WTF The Conspiracy Guys Were Right

I'm sorry but the conspiracy guys were right. Now we have to figure out a way out of this mess!

Posted via D.Buzzhttps://bitcoinist.com/canada-may-adopt-current-financial-rules-forever/


It's pretty crazy how much conspiracy fact is out there and how much people try to deny what's really going on and gloss it all over so they can get over with their big scam.

Canada went from free to totalitarian and this absolutely wasn't overnight this has been something that's been fought over with the Native Americans for quite a while now.

And of course how does Canada pay them back? By trampoline a first Nations Mohawk grandmother.

Put this little old lady in the hospital. And apparently this is acceptable behavior in Canada by the police as well as the government.

The good news is, the people that aren't buying into are waking up.... And there are a lot of them waking. Frankly, if they do it there and get away with it, it's jut a matter of time until the US follows.

That's why the elites are so upset and have been breaking up these kinds of events because they know how dramatic of an impact the transportation sector has.

You are looking at massive repercussions from these trucks not being in the industry as well as these individuals who have lost their jobs livelihoods homes and only to be continually threatened by their government.

I have a feeling after this gets finished getting figured out there will be a new law that Canadians can own whatever they want for firearms and the Canadian government needs to ease up on so many of the restrictions and absolutely idiotic demands on the people's Liberty.

In some areas of Canada BB guns and airsoft guns are illegal.

However Canadian citizens are tired of all of this and willing to fight back now so with all these connections being made by all of these individuals fighting for Liberty the resistance in Canada has grown exponentially.

And Canada needs to fight back.

And Canadian citizens are proving the most resilient when Australians failed.

airsoft guns are illegal

A Canadian friend of mine was telling me this too but I thought he was exaggerating.

However Canadian citizens are tired of all of this and willing to fight back now so with all these connections being made by all of these individuals fighting for Liberty the resistance in Canada has grown exponentially.

We're seeing the start of a global resistance movement. Worldwide we need to start taking back our governments. Vote out all these people that supported this nonsense and get some fresh blood in there that understands the world we're living in and listens to their constituents.

I'd prefer it happens peacefully, but the bottom line is we can't continue like this.

I just did a pretty big post and even the French are fighting back they lit this huge bonfire in front of their government so we will see how this all works out.

Personally I think that there is going to come a time where all of these individuals are held accountable and we will remember those who tried to take Liberty in the name of medical tyranny.

Municipalities have bylaws against using guns in public. Varys by place and some have banned airsoft guns and cap guns.

But facts remain, treating weapons with more respect and responsibility from the top down results in far fewer school shootings and suicides. Less gun violence in general, especially in crimes of opportunity.

Real Canadians are not divided on any of these issues no matter how many astroturfed yellow vest protests Faux News wants to flirt with. Their arguments about freedoms lost are entirely bad faith - and I'm telling ya I'm against passports and mandates. Canadians are tired of covid AND conspiracy theorists.

Real Canadians(85-90%) see the difference in attitudes between our country and others, such as the USA, has resulted in 2.5x fewer deaths per capita than the US. I'm sure you'll argue that the numbers aren't being reported correctly. And I agree, we humans are probably in a lot more danger from this than anyone would ever admit. Far more people have been infected and died. Probably an order of magnitude more... There's a reason the billionaire caste was first in line for the vax

I'm sure you'll argue that the numbers aren't being reported correctly.

I never argue. Everyone is welcome to their own opinion.

Really like the discussion and I'm going to counter...

Vast majority of deaths are caused by hands and feet as well as knives and blunt instruments rather than guns.

The Canadian citizens were sold and forced into compliance in one of the most disgraceful acts of property theft.

Really Canada is an exceptionally polite and respectful country full of individuals that really do care.

However just like the leadership of the United States the leadership of Canada has changed forcing more limitations upon the people and the over-regulation.

Sorry I'm 2 weeks late here, but idk what you're talking about... nobody was forced to do anything. Access to some privileges were restricted but there are always consequences for wrong choices and the numbers show Canada's dictatorship(BahaHahaha) has done far better with covid than the arrogant, misinformed and misguided tirefire of 2 US administrations.

Blathering on about gun rights really rings hollow when you folx like to do mass murder with them at unprecedented rates. It's a fetish, not a need. That carelessness leads to kids having access to otherwise legal firearms. Access leads to use... Suicide rates/accidents are far higher in households with access to a gun, too. Comparing hands and knives and things with legitimate use cases, and not designed specifically to murder people, to a weapon of mass death is mind-numbing.

There definitely seems to be an individualistic attitude attached to many of the people I disagree with about these things too. Antimaskers, antivaxxers, gun fetishists etc. All inconsiderate of their community. Seemingly at odds with the idea of HIVE as well.

Maybe it's a maturity thing... The very last person that should own a gun is the one that says they need it. The desire to own one shows a lack of responsibility and respect.

And btw, the real left is actually pro gun rights,,, I'm sure you didn't hear.

I'm sorry, but this article is full of basic factual errors and lack of understanding about Canada.

Sensationalism at best.

Well, regardless, what's happening now across all of North America and the world is NOT RIGHT. There may be a bit of sensationalism, there always is these days. However, these governments are completely out of control and no longer reflecting the will of the people.

Lol we had an election like 4 months ago. The incumbents got reelected. A minority government, too, meaning any talk of a Trudeau dictatorship is purely based in ignorance

any talk of a Trudeau dictatorship is purely based in ignorance

sure because freezing bank accounts of dissidents and opposition leaders seems completely reasonable and not oppressive at all.

I'm not a fan, but if you try financing criminal activity, it's probably not going to go well, whether it's an illegal blockade during a protest or something else. If you don't believe that happens all the time, I don't know what to tell ya.

Considering the cops usually just shoot tear gas and bust heads until people leave, this is pretty civilized

And btw people that bought White Hoodies aren't getting their accounts frozen