So proud of Tom Macdonald just killing it. If he dont need a music ind ...

in DBuzz2 years ago

So proud of Tom Macdonald just killing it. If he dont need a music industry you dont need one either. Tom is a literal bad ass!

Posted via D.Buzz


This is interesting, thank you for sharing.. I am watching it.

Posted via D.Buzz

Wow, his girlfriend shoots his videos!

Posted via D.Buzz

She has her own music as well. Her name is Nova Rockefeller.

Wow. Is Rockefeller her real last name?

Posted via D.Buzz

Lol, I doubt it. But could be, I dont really know.

Lol.. it's a little odd that a Truther is being filmed by a Rockefeller.

Posted via D.Buzz

He seems much more down to earth than I suspected.

Posted via D.Buzz

I think he's prolly the only rapper with a level head and says it like it is.

He's also the ONLY rapper I actually like. LOL!

He's defintely a truther.

Posted via D.BuzzP.S. I have not stepped foot in the #UnitedStates since 2009, that might have shielded me from some of the fiercest #Propaganda in #History.

I wouldnt doubt it. From what I understand if an American wants actual news about America they need to use a VPN, LOL.

Ben Shapiro of rap 😅

Posted via D.Buzz


I picked these up ⬆️ good stuff!

Those are pretty good. I've got a lot of his but not all.

Ur logo is dope! you shouldnt limit your posts to $1 rewards! you should have $10 ! dont burn hive u deserve as much as u can get its yoru right to earn whatever you can from whoevers stake u get votes from, its THEIR stake we deserve to earn when people vote and own stake in HP!

Posted via D.Buzz

Posted via D.Buzz☝️ @jhonejhone you may find this video interesting.

nice its independent artist

Posted via D.Buzz

The biggest Indie on YouTube!

Yes, and I was very surprised how down to earth snd kind he seemed.

Posted via D.Buzz