L'ampio complesso monumentale di Santa Maria dello Spasimo rappresenta un gioiello architettonico cinquecentesco che sorge nel Centro Storico di Palermo.
Nel 1995, al termine di un accurato restauro, l'intera struttura e il giardino circostante sono stati aperti alla pubblica fruizione ed attualmente ospitano spesso concerti e spettacoli.
Testo di @adinapoli (s) -Aprile 2020-
Fotografie @adinapoli (s) -Giugno 2019-
Le fotografie appartengono all'autore.
The large monumental complex of Santa Maria dello Spasimo represents a 16th century architectural jewel that rises in the historic center of Palermo.
The initial destination of the building was a monastery, but in the following centuries it became a theater, a hospital, a hospital and warehouse for agricultural products.
Since 1995, after a careful restoration, the entire structure and the surrounding garden are open to public use and often host concerts and shows.
The tree grown inside the central nave, without the ceiling, was likely to fall at any moment, therefore, during the morning of April 17, 2020,Unfortunately it was cut down.
Text by @adinapoli (s) -April 2020-
Photos @adinapoli (s) -June 2019-