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watercolor on paper

Norwegian sailing ship - watercolor on paper
Hello all dear Hivers friends and welcome back to my blog. Today I am sharing a seascape with a sailing ship as the main subject. I made this watercolor while inside my exhibition and it was sold to a visitor.
I wanted to highlight a magical and surreal atmosphere in the harbor and especially the sky above the sailing ship.
I tried to darken the sky with many grays and leave the bright glow around the sailing ship.
final result
I hope you enjoy it, I send you a hug from the port of Kristiansand.
Veliero norvegese - acquarello su carta
Ciao a tutti cari amici Hivers e ben tornati sul mio blog. Oggi condivido un paesaggio marino con un veliero come soggetto principale. Ho realizzato questo acquarello durante la permanenza all'interno della mia mostra ed è stato venduto ad un visitatore.
Ho voluto evidenziare un atmosfera magica e surreale nel porto e soprattutto il cielo sopra il veliero.
Ho cercato di incupire il cielo con molti grigi e di lasciare il chiarore luminoso intorno al veliero.
final result
Spero che vi piaccia, vi mando un abbraccio dal porto di Kristiansand.
Molto molto bello 😍
grazie tesorone, un bacio dal sud Italia.
Hi @armandosodano, that looks amazing, due to light colours, I have a feeling that it is early morning and slight fog is spread over water surface. Watercolour makes it possible to give such effect, but I was wondering have you used any masking fluid to cover white sales because they are really white and no colour accidentally spot on it, which often can be a situation with working with watercolour. I am sure the visitor who bought your painting was very happy :)
Thank you for this technical and insightful commentary, I don't used fluid.