All I can say is it has been a bit of a week hasn't it? I heard a rumor that the stock market has taken a dive and quite honestly, I haven't even bothered to check my portfolio lately. From what I have heard, there isn't much point. Things are slowly getting worse and worse, but in time they will recover, they seem to always do that.
In the meantime we might need to call in the sewer service while things are in the crapper! Personally, I've been making some moves while the markets are in this recent consolidation. Mostly on the crypto side of things. As I said before, I just leave my stocks and mutual funds be and keep throwing money into them before taxes so I never miss it.

It is time again for another Finance Friday/Friday Finance. This is a series I started where I talk about random bits of financial stuff that I have seen, gathered, or experienced during the week. I hope as a reader you find it informational, entertaining, or both. I also hope it can generate some good discussion and edify the community.
If you hadn't noticed, the price of Bitcoin recently touched below the $80K range. It seems to be up a bit now, but I wouldn't be shocked if we drop back down to that $70K level at some point. I've heard the 200 day average or whatever it is called is $50K, but I don't think we will drop that far. It seems all it takes is one piece of news lately to tank the markets. The FUD game is still strong. Actually, I take that back. I don't think it's FUD this time. I think it looks like FUD, but really it's just some well orchestrated manipulation at levels well above my pay grade.

Credit where it is due
You can find it here. It mainly has to do with the distribution of wealth, and numbers/percentages that we have likely heard countless times in the past. It was the analogy he used comparing that same wealth to oxygen that really hit home with me. In fact, it was probably the most poignant thing I have read all week which is why I am talking about it here.I wanted to share with you this great post from @tarazkp I read the other day.
If you happen to read the post and you take nothing else from it, remember this quote:
"When it comes to wealth distribution, we are doing a pretty terrible job of it. If wealth was oxygen, 1% would be fine - 9% of the global would be gasping for air - and 90% would suffocate."
Now, I don't know how accurate those numbers are. I also don't know if he got them from somewhere else or he came up that himself during his research, but the impact is the same. It's pretty crazy.
In fact, I like this quote so much, I just shared it on my legacy social media.
Apparently, some big things are coming for Splinterlands. Most specifically with land. I will be honest and admit, I don't really understand any of it. What I do know is that I am going to be at a real loss when it comes to some of the resources required. I only own six or seven plots of land and many of them produce the same resources. I have a feeling there is going to be no way I can keep up and eventually I am going to be forced to dump my lands.
Perhaps someone who understands it better than me can let me know what is up. I'm willing to learn, but I'm not willing to spend more money!
Speaking of money... My SPS validator node is still up and running through Monster Market. I've fallen from the 56 range to the 67th spot on the list, but I would also like to point out that I running my node through MonsterMarket I have missed 0 blocks in the past week. That's better than some folks are doing.
It also looks like that one node has earned me about 225 SPS for the full week it has been running and 55 vouchers. It's not going to make me rich, but it's not too bad either. If you want to vote for me, you can place your ten votes here, just scroll down the list and look for Bozz. Please also consider giving @monstermarket your vote as I wouldn't even be on the list if it weren't for them.

HIVE Moves
In case you haven't noticed, the recent downward trajectory of Bitcoin has also seemed to drag down HIVE quite a bit as well. I'm not sure if we fell below that $.20 mark, but I feel like it could still be on the table if BTC takes another big hit. In preparation for that scenario, I pulled another 1000 HBD out of savings the other day. I'm going to let it sit liquid and if HIVE happens to fall below that $.20 mark I plan on moving it into HIVE.
I still have my fingers crossed that alt season isn't cancelled and we are going to see at least some kind of pump later in this year. When that happens I will be moving a good portion of that HIVE back into HBD. Depending on how much I have, I might decide to power some up as well.
Fingers crossed it all works out for me. If not, I put it back in savings and I missed out on maybe 12.5 HBD in interest. No big deal.
Taxing Times
These are definitely some tense times. I'm really thankful that crypto is more of a hobby for me and not a full time job. I'd be a wreck if that were the case. If you live in the US, we have just about a month left before taxes are due. Be sure you get that taken care of. I had my brother in law do mine the other weekend and wouldn't you know it, I am getting back just enough to almost cover the cost of the lawyer who is putting together our trust. Isn't it funny how that works out?
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I question how much people can claim certain moves in certain news. Bitcoin does what it always does. It makes new ATH than goes down 33%. I know some thought that would change but it’s just the norm. I’m all in buying weekly here. Though as much as u know bitcoin will be far higher long term , I do believe the maxis talking about 10X from here this cycle are outta there minds. I’d guess 150K spike in fall is top. Last time 2017 top to 2021 top was 3.5 X move. The cycle prior $1200 to 20K so 17X. 2013 much more and u get it. As something doubled and grows it’s harder to repeat growth % wise. Bitcoin will be a million but not anytime soon. I’d guess in a decade or 12 years.
I'm just kind of along for the ride. I actually care more about alts that I do about BTC. I hardly hold any of that so it is quite irrelevant to me.
I would be shocked if even 1% or 2% of the alts touch 2021 highs. they’ll be pumps along way but it looks to me alts will heavily underperform bitcoin from 2021 top or 2022 bottom here on out. A couple will outta the many for periods but I don’t think this cycle will be anything like 2021 where just everything go up. Just seems to me many have been exposed. The fact ETH is underperforming BTC by at least 75% from last cycle top or bottom says a lot. I don’t see any chance it catches up. Some tiny cap alts can given it’s easier to go 20X when something has a tiny market cap but the days of the big top alts outperforming look done to me. Barring a 1 outta 25 exception.
Guess it's a good thing I have a full time job then... I'm not giving up on ETH. I picked some more up just last night.
Oh man I didn’t realize u stacked ETH. I wish u good luck my friend!
I wouldn't say I stack it, but sub $2000 feels like a good place to buy.
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I don’t have a lot in the game yet, but I’ve been learning about the highs and lows of investing and how it all works.
Keep at it, you will get there!
The poor (on the left) always talk about "eating the rich", well... the rich are doing a pretty good job of eating all of us, worldwide. I do hope there is some positive change in this in the near future, because this is the kind of thing that revolutions spring from.
Unfortunately, ALTs keep falling against BTC, which itself is at best just moving sideways. I think all these memecoins just killed any hope for ALTs, honestly. With most ALTs it was always 50/50 if it was real or if there would be a rug, but memecoins are 99.99% scam, and that is seriously making people sour on all ALTs. As they say, a bad apple spoils the barrel. We can't rule anything out, but things don't look good for them right now.
Aren't you a ray of sunshine today... :)
haha hey I'm not any more happy about it than you are. I own too much ETH. But it's hard to ignore what the market is showing us.
I know. It's pretty rough. I am trying not to let it bug me too much, but I really wanted a big win this cycle. I didn't know you were heavy into ETH as well. I see a lot of bad stuff about it lately, but I think it's just haters and FUD. I think it still has a lot of potential. Ray seems to be pumped about it... :)
It does, but it also has the same negatives as ever. The high fees just aren't getting any better. And we've been reminded too many times recently how centralized it is. I agree with you, I think it still has a lot of potential, but I can also see why the market is cooling on it.
I probably won't buy too much, but I have some alts over there, so I want to be able to move things if necessary when the time comes.
Probably good long term. Short term... I don't know. I go back to what I have been saying on Hive and off for the past few months. The stock market is crazy high. Major bubble. The S&P500 is right up against that line of resistance produced by the 1929 high (before the crash) and the dot come high (before the crash). Trump's idiocy is really testing things... it already could pop at any time. He is not helping. If that pops, everything is going down a lot, including all of crypto.
Long term I think we are good, but shortterm I think we may have pain to come. All the more reason to just not look at prices, except maybe to buy ;) For example, if Hive drops under .20, I'm buying a ton of it.
As far as land in Splinterlands I also own only 5 plots. My plan is to simply let them convert into what ever they auto-convert into then use the market to swap for grain the resources they would earn to feed my land workers. I do not plan on selling the land, if Splinterlands is successful it could become a good long term investment.
Good job on running a real validator node and not just a check-in for rewards deal. I heard Monstermarket can also configure you an API for your node, not sure if it is worth the cost, but it should get you more votes. Managed to find you a couple more votes to get you over the 2 million SPS votes mark and moved you up to the 65th spot :)
Just substitute your validator name for seattlea and you are good to go.Also, there is an option on Monstermarket to make it a one-click vote for people to vote for your validator. Here is my validator vote link for example: https://monstermarket.io/validators?validator=seattlea
Thanks for the info. I have been involved with Splinterlands since the kickstarter, so I don't really see myself leaving, but I am also a little jaded about where the game is heading at this point. Hopefully I am wrong.
I'm not selling anytime soon, and will continue to pick up BTC little by little. Hive I have bought some and if it drops below twenty I might buy up a larger piece. Time will tell where this is all heading, I'm glad I own silver and gold though!
I am sure about the silver and gold. I was pretty happy about my stocks, but now it doesn't feel that great. I think they will recover though.
They will, stock market never stays down for long. Even after the crash of 1929 the stocks fully recovered!
Good point!
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The wealth disparity thing is well out of hand. The gap between regular employees and CEOs has got much wider in recent years. I'm not against people being rewarded for their efforts, but there's limits to what you can really spend. Wealth is being hoarded whilst millions struggle to get by. The rich are buying up property so it becomes unaffordable. I know the opinions of some here on taxes, but they can be used to redress the balance a bit. It may go the other way in the US with the rich getting away with more from what I've heard.
Yeah, it's getting pretty horrible. Like you said too, you are never going to use that much money. At some point there becomes no point.
Some people are using their wealth to get political power as they seem to think they know what's best, but business and politics are different.
For sure!
@bozz please I know this doesn't relate to this post but please I need financial help. I lost my mum few days ago due to illness which is what I have been battling for almost a year to ensure she lives until she gave up. I powered down all my hive just to support her in paying her medical bills till death took her away. pls am not suppose to bother you with this buy please I need financial help and I will really appreciate the support sir.