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RE: In Case You Missed It...

in Discovery-it2 years ago

That is good that things are starting ease up a bit for you. I know how it can be when it feels like work is taking over your life. We have most all of our trips planned for the summer already. The first one isn't until the middle of June though. Jovi is doing good thanks. Still more energy than her old bones can handle!


Well, I guess you’re probably not out of school until the middle of June. My wife gets out early this year for once. I believe it’s June 15th or the 16th. She’s looking forward to it! No doubt. I’m sure you guys are too and I hope you have a fantastic summer. I miss camping. Hopefully we can still do some of that in the upcoming years. For now I’m working on landscaping around the patio and designing a different fire pit area. That will have to do. Lol.

Last day for students is June 1st. It feels like we can't already be here already and that it has taken forever to get here. My neighbor has been doing a big project in his back yard. I will be happy when he is finished and the silence resumes!

I’m a quiet worker. Hahaha. My neighbors are pretty quiet as well. If yours are using heavy equipment and saws and whatever, then that can get old for sure.

Yeah, they put an addition on their house, so it was quite painful!

Oh wow. Yeah that would be loud from concrete to roof.