I think being afraid of making large purchases for fear of screwing it up is pretty normal. Honestly, there are so many options on most things it is incredibly overwhelming, and usually when something is overwhelming it makes us avoid it. So many people avoid it, try to do research, get overwhelmed and quit, then finally just flip a coin (metaphorically, but maybe literally too) and pick a random option.
I also hate spending money. The people I admire most are those older folks who are rich but never really spend it because they see no point. It is pure security. Like Warren Buffet, who despite being one of the richest men in the world still lives in a middle class house and eats at McDonalds
This ETF reaction confirmed for me that wall street is trying to take over Bitcoin. If they can, they will start to suppress the price, like they've been doing with silver for the past 50 years. If any of these firms buy enough of it, they can try to forcefully take it over by making their own fork and calling it the real BTC, one which will undoubtably remove the coin limit. We'll have to see what happens with the halving.
I finally went ahead and just bought one the other day because I knew if I didn't I would keep putting it off. I'll just deal with the fallout whatever that may be. I'm not a fan of spending money either, but I don't get to take it with me either and we have no kids to leave it to besides nieces and nephews.