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RE: Doing a bit of coin pushing

in Discovery-it6 months ago

I think no one in gov will ever be for crypto. Trump and some in the GOP are pretending to be right now only because of votes. But if they win it will be the typical flip-flop on that particular issue. Crypto threatens banks and banks own too much of the US gov, so it will never happen.

I didn't know those coin pushing machines are in the US. I never saw any when I was growing up. They are very popular in Japan. Every game center has many of them, or variations on them with candy instead of coins, and many other businesses have one or two of them thrown in a corner somewhere.


I think the first time I saw them was at the fairs. No doubt they were quite rigged in that environment. It's been a long time since I have seen one outside of YouTube and then I just happened upon this one. I think you are right about the crypto thing. I just hope the crypto lobby ends up giving them no choice. No matter who wins.