The Best of Discovery-it #816

Hi there, welcome back to The Best of Discovery-it! All the best posts voted by the Discovery-it curator team will have their own dedicated space within the Hive blockchain. This digest intends to bring to light all those authors who often remain unnoticed and therefore reward all those who create quality posts, leading them to establish themselves on the platform. But that's not all!
After a careful selection, our curators will also choose the most deserving articles among all those voted to create a ranking of the Top posts of the day.
So who are today's winners?
Trucos para hacer un libro Pop-Up | Tutorial DIY [Esp-Eng]
Have you ever thought about creating a wonderful pop-up book? In this new post by chacald.dcymt you can find a tutorial step-by-step to realize your first one. “To make a beautiful 3D tree, I first made the trunk. I used colored cardstock to make the figures more eye-catching. The trick is to make the figure double…” this is how the DIY work started. Don’t miss the final result!

Some curiosities about the world of bees.
by @martinica
The world of bees never ceases to amaze us and in today’s post by martinica you can learn some interesting facts about these interesting insects. “And what is this? You must be wondering! This is a natural honeycomb built by bees. This happens when the family is very expanded and has no more room to build and the queen has no more space to hatch and therefore they create it themselves” the author said. Read the post to find out more about this nice topic!
by @borjan
If you’re passionate about nature, you shouldn’t miss this latest post by borjan. The author shows us an amazing selection of photos taken in 2009 and representing some small animals on the rocky terrain near the sea. “In this opening shot, you can see the Vanessa cardui butterfly. In this pose, the insect is well camouflaged on the rock…” this is how the story started. Don’t miss it!
Friend Or Client? The Challenges of Designing For Friends.
by @seancallow
Today seancallow brings us to discover the world of architecture and some of its challenges. “Its always an honour when a close friend entrusts you with the design and construction of their home. For me though it's often a double edged sword. What if they are not happy with the end result, what if the project is delayed or goes over budget - these are all things that can happen on any project” the author said. At the end of the post you can look at a beautiful house of a friend of the author called Indy. What a beautiful piece of artistic architecture!


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Very grateful for the support ☺️👍🏼😉.
I'll gonna try posting here too 🥰. Thank you
Thanks so much for the mention here. Very appreciate your kindness.
Wow che bello!! Grazie millee per il supporto!!❤❤🥰😊