Hi guys! Here we are back with one of our initiatives on our favourite blockchain.
We are in a very troubled moment, the post HF shocks are still being felt, and only a few days ago the words about steem world were definitively removed from our blockchain.
But enthusiasm is always high here on Hive and we must remember that the beauty of this platform is precisely the individual users! Just like in a real beehive, each of us can do our part.
As a community, we at Discovery-it have always set ourselves the goal of supporting new users and that is why we have thought of a small questionnaire that was presented to some users in the past few days.
We would be very happy to hear your answers as well, for this reason we invite you to respond below or write a post about your impressions within our community.
Thanks in advance for your valuable cooperation!
The question is:
What are the strengths of Hive compared to other social networks, what are the difficulties you encountered during your journey on the platform and how would you improve them?
Having your own personal space where you can talk about everything you want without any limit of topic, length of the text, formatting, presence of images and videos,… Extreme customization;
Possibility of meeting people from all over the world who speak different languages and who have cultures very far from mine;
Traditional social media don't reward you for your posts, while Hive does;
The contents are divided by community in which it’s easy to find topics of interest (foodies bee hive, amazing nature, photography lovers, on chain art, ...);
Some very interesting dApps are associated with Hive: 3speak for publishing videos, games like Splinterlands and Brewmaster, Actifit for physical activity, ...;
There are numerous curation teams that put passion into their work and support quality contents (Curie, Curangel, Qurator, OCD …);
Censorship doesn’t exist, unlike traditional social networks. The only limit is the sexual content that is tagged with NSFW;
The Blockchain structure on which Hive is based ensures that everything that is published remains immutable over time;
Possibility for anyone who is passionate about IT to enter and propose their work at the service of the community, for example by creating Witness, proposals, …;
I think the integration between Hive and Twitter / other social networks is very positive (although more could be done).
In the Trending section there are always the usual few users;
It is often difficult to identify fake accounts and, even if identified, sometimes it is not possible to get them out of the way;
Posts with disproportionate rewards compared to their value;
Nobody uses Hivechat, everyone uses Discord;
It is often difficult for novices to understand how the platform works, I think it is not very user-friendly.
Do you agree or disagree with these statements? What would you add or remove from the list of answers? We'd love to hear some feedback! Thank you.

Salve ragazzi, eccoci tornati con una delle nostre tante iniziative qui sulla nostra blockchain preferita.
Siamo in un momento molto travagliato, gli scossoni post HF ancora si fanno sentire, e solo pochi giorni fa sono state definitivamente rimosse le diciture steem dalla nostra blockchain.
Ma l’entusiasmo è sempre alto qui su Hive e dobbiamo ricordare che la bellezza di questa piattaforma sono proprio i singoli utenti! Proprio come in un vero alveare, ognuno di noi può fare la propria parte.
Come community, noi di Discovery-it ci siamo sempre posti come obiettivo il sostegno per i nuovi utenti ed è per questo che abbiamo pensato ad un piccolo questionario che è stato presentato nei giorni passati ad alcuni utenti.
Ci farebbe molto piacere sapere anche le vostre risposte, per questo motivo vi invitiamo a rispondere qui sotto o a scrivere un post riguardante le vostre impressioni, all’interno della nostra comunità.
Grazie in anticipo per la preziosa collaborazione!
La domanda è:
Quali sono i punti di forza di Hive rispetto agli altri social, quali sono le difficoltà che hai riscontrato durante il tuo percorso sulla piattaforma e come le miglioreresti?
Avere un proprio spazio personale dove parlare di tutto quello che si desidera senza alcun limite di argomento, lunghezza del testo, formattazione, presenza di immagini e video, … Estrema personalizzazione;
Possibilità di conoscere persone da tutto il mondo che parlano lingue diverse e che hanno culture molto lontane dalla mia;
I social tradizionali non retribuiscono i propri post, mentre Hive sì;
- I contenuti sono divisi per community nelle quali è facile trovare argomenti di interesse (foodies bee hive, amazing nature, photography lovers, on chain art, …);
- Ad Hive sono associate alcune dApps molto interessanti: 3speak per pubblicare video, giochi come Splinterlands e Brewmaster, Actifit per l’attività fisica, …;
- Vi sono numerosi team di curation che mettono passione nel proprio operato e supportano i contenuti di qualità (Curie, Curangel, Qurator, OCD …);
La censura non esiste, a differenza dei social tradizionali. L’unico limite sono i contenuti a sfondo sessuale che vengono etichettati con NSFW;
La struttura di Blockchain su cui è basato Hive fa in modo che tutto quello che viene pubblicato rimanga nel tempo in modo immutabile;
Possibilità per chiunque sia appassionato di informatica di inserirsi e proporre il proprio lavoro a servizio della community, ad esempio con la creazione di Witness, proposals, …;
Penso che l’integrazione tra Hive e Twitter/altri social sia molto positiva (anche se si potrebbe fare di più).
Nella sezione Trending spesso si trovano sempre i soliti pochi utenti;
E’ spesso difficile individuare gli account fake e, anche se individuati, a volte non è possibile toglierli di mezzo;
Post poco validi con reward spropositate;
Nessuno usa Hivechat, tutti usano Discord;
Per i novizi è spesso difficile capire come funziona la piattaforma, penso che non sia molto user-friendly.
Sei d’accordo o in disaccordo con queste affermazioni? Cosa aggiungeresti o toglieresti dalla lista? Ci farebbe davvero molto piacere ricevere qualche feedback! Grazie mille.
50HP, 100HP, 250HP, 500HP, 1000HP, 2000HP, 5000HP.
Be sure to leave at least 50HP undelegated on your account.
I love the freedom every user is given here compared to other social media. You can start and grow as much as you want, it's very democratic although it's difficult to reach extreme high levels of visibility when you're a beginner or so. Projects like yours and others are extremely important precisely to help and support the new users, and I find this incredibles important because it gives Hive a real sense of community, something you don't really experience on other social media. The reward is another important peculiarity but it's somehow not as relevant to me as the possibility to meet always new people from all over the world with whom you can share the same interests and passion, and here's again the sense of community. As technology advanced, I'm sure digital communities are thr strength people need to fight back passivity and techno-addiction, meaning we can take advantage of platform like Hive to actually spend valuable time and learning new things, reaching new goals, meeting new people and enriching both ourselves and the others. Hive is to me a sphere where you can feel free and part of something big at the same time. Besides the difficulties related to the blockchain structure aspects, the projects like Discovery are always there to help. Learning the functioning of Hive posting, hive vote, trail and so on is just as difficult as satisfying being part of the process of joining the community. 💪
I totally agree with you!
Thanks for the feeedback, it's very important to find out different opinions.
being on hive has been an exciting way to share my stories! working with @ discovery-it has been a very positive experience in my growth within the hive! I hope my words reach up where they have to go! and understand that this community has very good talent! my best compensated post was in this community therefore we do not need to go very far to achieve what we want !! but is it easy to always want and not give anything ??? therefore your contribution is to vote for witness to join the trail !!! This is how a community grows! so we wait for you !!!😍🥰😘
I'm really happy to read your words! :)
In questo post è stato nominato HIVE CHAT? È per caso una chat di HIVE? È funzionante? Si puó quindi chattare con le persone che seguiamo?
Più o meno, il sito è questo https://openhive.chat/home ed è una chat organizzata da @gtg per i membri di hive.
Grazia Phage per la risposta