In this new post, I'll talk about Africa and how important that continent is. So, let's dive in!
First, we must know how many countries are in Africa. Africa is the second-largest continent, covering an area of about 30.37 million square kilometers, it has 54 countries, and if we add up all of them, they'll be 20% of Earth's land. Each one of these 54 countries has its unique culture, geography, and history. Such as Egypt, the second-oldest country in the world. And of course, I didn't forget to mention that 1.5 billion people live in Africa making it the second-populous continent in the world.
Second, we must also know more about the wildlife in Africa. Africa has MANY animals having 10,000 species of animals. Which makes Africa the second most biodiverse continent in the world after Asia.
Third, the biomes or ecosystems. Africa has six main biomes or ecosystems and they're: Desert: 40%, Savanna: 40%, Tropical Rainforest: 10%, Temperate Grasslands: 5%, Mediterranean: 2% and Mountain: 3%. Which makes it one of the most biodiverse continents in terms of ecosystems in the world.
And for haters who say that Africa doesn't have any water in it, Africa has the tallest river in the world, which is the Nile River.
That was everything for now,
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