It's an old toy we used to play with when we were children. I didn't know why we loved this toy. It simply spins and does some tricks about it. Perhaps playing it with other children was one of the reasons as well. When I played it alone before it didn't give me so much fun and got bored easily. As you know 90's kids in our country, the Philippines experienced so much fun during their childhood. Maybe because during this time technology didn't influence the lives of the people.
That's why watching these children playing with the toy we used to play with. It feels so nostalgic. The happy memories from the past with my friends came back. It was long ago and yet, the faces and the joy is so vivid. I couldn't help myself to capture this type of event. Besides, during our days no camera could save those types of events. It's nice to see it in many more days to come or see it when the old games will never be played anymore. Oh, that's so dramatic of me. lol
Anyway, anyway what is a top? Do you have it in your country as well? Well, for you to learn about it I will tell it all of course. For the curiosity of others and for them to learn.
How to make a Top?
A top was made from a piece of wood and a nail. The best wood to make a top is guava fruit. It's hard but the texture of the wood is nice. It depends on how big or small you want to make. You will need a not so big nail as well. Use a hacksaw in cutting the wood to make sure there will be no crack.
Place the nail at the centre of the wood. Cut the head of the nail because in that part of the nail the top will spin. After placing the nail at the centre until the name has the same level as the wood. Time to start changing its shape by using a sharp material. If you want to make sure the top when it starts to spin. Shape it well.
How to make it spin?
A thread, a rope or a shoelace will be fine. Which is comfortable for you to use it. Place the edge of the rope in the nail then tie it by surrounding it with a rope. Stop when you're in the middle part or else it will not spin. There's a trick in throwing it to make it a spin. It's hard for me to explain but I guess it depends on how you make it a spin. I'm telling you it's not easy to make it a spin.
How to play it?
Usually, we played it with two people or by pair. By doing a jack en poy it will decide who will hit first or who will just spin it first. If one Top will not stop spinning after being hit by another Top. A draw will be announced and will have another jack en poy. However, if a Top will not be hit it's time for another team or another player to hit a Top. The game is easy to play but the question is do you know where's the distance for you to hit the opponent's Top? Remember that hitting another Top and if your Top will not spin is not allowed or foul.
It's a fun game but it will not be when you will not be given a chance to hit another Top. lol
Thank you for reading
images are mine
Huawei p8
d' dreamboy,
Thank you @ewkaw .
You're very welcome :)
La verdad me trae hermosos recuardo, cuando jugaba con los trompos,saludos.
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@rahat67 Your comment cointains a link that is on my blacklists ❗ ❗ ❗ @mrnightmare89, do NOT click on the link above in their comment.
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<br><sub>Comment 10% downvoted to make it less visible. <br> This message is self-voted to be more visible among others.</sub> <br><br>@keys-defender
@keys-defender I will not use the code of calling the bot but will just mention you instead.
@mrnightmare89 using the bot command in this case would make sense because it's phishing and it's targeting hive. Other users did already though so we're good. Thx
we are already reacting to this, thanks