Nikon D7500 / Nikkor 70-300mm
Here are some captures of a morning in the mountains of Cordoba in Argentina, in the Quebrada del Condorito national park, with friends who came to visit from Uruguay, we made a short walk of approximately 7km until we reached a ravine formed by a river, this It is one of the sighting points of the great Andean Conodor, the largest flying bird in the world, then in the following posts I will show you some of the sighting that we were able to do, while I share an image of one of the camping areas of the park, the camping is free and admission to the park is free, it is located in the Altas Cumbres as this area is known, which can be accessed by private vehicle and by bus that runs along the route that crosses the mountains to connect with the other small towns of the area known as Traslasierra.
The mountains of this area of Argentina are distinguished by being rocky and green with a large amount of low vegetation such as the pampas, one can find a typical mountain climate with several degrees Celsius less than in the capital city of the province that is located about 80km away.
Aquí algunas capturas de una mañana por las sierras de Cordoba en Argentina, en el parque nacional Quebrada del Condorito, con amigos que vinieron de visita desde Uruguay, hicimos una pequeña caminata de unos 7km aproximadamente hasta llegar a una quebrada formada por un rio, este es uno de los puntos de avistaje del gran Conodor Andino, el ave volador mas grande del mundo, luego en los siguientes post les mostrare algo del avistaje que pudimos hacer, mientras les comparto una imagen de una de las zonas de acampe del parque, la acampada es libre y la entrada al parque es gratuita, se ubica en las Altas Cumbres como se le conoce a esta zona que se puede acceder en vehículo particular y en ómnibus que recorren la ruta que cruza las sierras para conectar con los demás pueblitos de la zona conocida como Traslasierra.
Las sierras de esta zona de Argentina se distinguen por ser rocosas y verdes con esa gran cantidad vegetación baja como la pampa, uno se puede encontrar con un clima típico de sierra con varios grados centígrados menos que en la ciudad capital de la provincia que se encuentra a unos 80km de distancia.
Your friends must have enjoyed the walk because from the pictures, it's such a nice view
yess!! they loved the place! such a nice walk we did! thanks for your comment and time!
You are welcome