Sunflower Honey, the Latest Revelations.

in Discovery-it4 years ago

Hello to all of you! welcome back to my blog, today I wanted to talk about sunflower honey, its properties and the latest research on it.


Sunflower honey is a very coveted honey, the color, the taste, make it a honey appreciated by all.

But our bees very often have problems foraging the sunflower, such as the scarcity of nectar present in flowers, the pesticides used to treat the sunflower in the growth phase, the remains of the seed tanning, the selection of sunflower plants with a high concentration of oil where fatty acids make flowers less attractive to bees.

The result of these problems is that dying bees, very often dying, tend to swarm.

In 2020, however, a study was published in India regarding this fact in the "Journal of Apicultural Research".

The various results obtained by the Indian researchers show that the latest varieties of sunflower selected by man have concentrations of nectar produced, much lower than the old varieties that were cultivated in the past. But then why do bees keep going on the sunflower, even if the nectar is inferior?

Bees have a great attraction for pollen, which is one of the basic meals within the colony. The last varieties of sunflower, in fact, have low amounts of nectar, but continue to have an excellent percentage of pollen. In this way the bees are actually attracted by the flowering, but they cannot get from it the whole energy need.

The Indian agency suggests new taxes to be included in the agricultural economy. A tax on pollination, seen as a quantity of nectariferous production, so as to make the agricultural world aware of this problem.



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