Great Tuesday picks! I hadn't heard that Johnny Cash song in years, he definitely had his won guitar playing style. He was an amazing musician!
CCR... One of my favorites! These guys from Orange County sure didn't have a California sound. It was a shame they just could get along. You chose two great tunes there, and Rolling On The River is better when CCR sings it, but Tina had here flare and style. She did a great job in that video, I don't know if I had ever heard her sing that song before!
Doobie Brothers, what a great pick! That's a nice live version, what a bunch of talented guys, those were some great harmonies in there.
The good old Mississippi, I've been over that same bridge before. The first time I crossed the river I remember being amazed at how big it was, being from west of the river the rivers just don't compare in size even remotely. I can believe gas is much cheaper outside of IL, it's like CA gas prices. Anyone living near the state line goes to Arizona for gas because it's at least a dollar cheaper!
Have a safe trip!
My wife was pretty surprised at how big the river was as well. This was her first time driving over it and I think she was quite impressed. I saw the Doobie Brothers several years ago and they were still going strong!