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RE: Sights From the Weekend

in Discovery-it9 days ago

Some very nice sunsets! My cell phone doesn't get the colors as well as I would like either, so I don't try that often! Chex Mix has never been a favorite of mine, my aunt used to make it and it's alright, just not my favorite, but with the spices you add in it might be good!

The grilled stuff looked awesome, the extra flavor added from previous grill use. I've seen people use the metal bowl technique a lot in deli's to get the veggies cooked without burning them. I've never tried it, kind of a cool trick. The end result looked like it must have tasted great!

I hope that dreary looking yard will start turning green really soon, winter is on it's way out. I'm spoiled where I live, but for you guys who take those brutal winters spring has to feel great!


It was never a favorite of mine either, but I think part of the problem was that so many people put stuff in it that I don't care about. When we make it ourselves, we just put in the stuff that we like. That helps a lot. The metal bowl technique works well, but the bowl gets pretty hot, so you have to be careful! The grass can take a little longer to get green as far as I am concerned. The sooner it turns the sooner I need to start mowing!

I hear you there, mowing the lawn absolutely sucks. I think part of the problem is we aren't as young as we once were!

I definitely agree with that!