I am a slut, you pay I play. I mean I played goth metal parties and weddings. I would say I have played very little Goth at weddings but I did play Slayer on one or two very late and drunk occasions.
But my only no go would be Paradise by the dashboard lights, that is the song you hear every wedding I I think I got away with not playing it for years. I did play it at my eighties nights as it gave me time to go to the toilet and do shots with some of the pretty ladies😎
Haha, very interesting. Maybe people don't care as much about the lyrics as I think they do. Alcohol probably helps with that!
Well it also helps if the people inviting and paying you have a rock metal background and know that you can wedding dj for the fam 90% of the time and end the night for them with a little Angle of Death😂