29 November 2024: "One Piece" 1 HSBI GIVEAWAY

in Actifit ‱ 3 months ago (edited)

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đŸ‡©đŸ‡Ș Deutsch

Heute habe ich im Homeoffice gearbeitet, weil ich ja gestern erst zurĂŒckgekommen bin. Abends war ich mit meiner Freundin auf einem One-Piece-Konzert – oder sagen wir mal, das sollte es sein. Eigentlich war es nur ein Typ, der Klavier gespielt hat. Die Beschreibung klang irgendwie anders. Sagen wir es mal so: Es war eine interessante Erfahrung. Ich wĂŒrde es aber nicht nochmal machen. Letztlich waren es ganz viele Lieder aus One Piece, aber eben nur auf dem Klavier. Es wurde weder gesungen noch gab es irgendetwas anderes. Es war ein bisschen underwhelming, um ehrlich zu sein.

Auf der anderen Seite hat es mir One Piece wieder ins GedĂ€chtnis gerufen. Einige Momente waren ganz nett, wenn bestimmte Lieder gespielt wurden, die mit bestimmten Szenen verbunden sind. Man hat sich da schon ein bisschen zurĂŒckversetzt gefĂŒhlt. Aber es war nichts Atemberaubendes, um es vorsichtig auszudrĂŒcken.

đŸ‡ș🇾 English

Today, I worked from home because I had just returned yesterday. In the evening, I went to a One Piece concert with my girlfriend – or at least, that’s what it was supposed to be. In reality, it was just one guy playing the piano. The description sounded a bit different. Let’s put it this way: it was an interesting experience. But I wouldn’t do it again. In the end, it was a lot of songs from One Piece, but just on the piano. There was no singing or anything else. It was a bit underwhelming, to be honest.

On the bright side, it brought One Piece back to my mind. A few moments were nice when certain songs were played that are tied to specific scenes. It did make me feel a bit nostalgic. But it wasn’t anything breathtaking, to put it mildly.



Wie sieht es mit den Kalorien aus?

Was gab es bei mir heute zu essen? Ich habe tatsĂ€chlich kein Chris-FrĂŒhstĂŒck gehabt, sondern ein normales FrĂŒhstĂŒck. Es gab zwei Mehrkornbrötchen mit Nutella. Ich habe außerdem richtig fett eingekauft, vor allem HĂŒhnchen. Es gibt beim Lidl halbe HĂ€hnchen fĂŒr 3,29 Euro, schon vorgewĂŒrzt – super lecker. Zum Mittag gab es bei mir einen Döner und ein Laugenbrötchen mit Honig-Senf-Dip. Sehr lecker! Ab morgen gibt es ganz viel HĂ€hnchen mit Reis, denn ich habe so viel HĂŒhnchen gekauft, dass es fĂŒr eine Woche reichen mĂŒsste.

What about the calories?

What did I eat today? I actually didn’t have my typical “Chris-style” breakfast but a normal one instead. I had two multigrain rolls with Nutella. I also did a big grocery haul and bought a lot of chicken. Lidl has half chickens for €3.29, already seasoned – super tasty. For lunch, I had a döner and a pretzel roll with honey mustard dip. Very delicious! Starting tomorrow, it’s going to be all about chicken and rice, as I bought enough chicken to last me a whole week.



Bildschirmfoto 2024-11-30 um 00.01.54.png

GlĂŒckwunsch an: @arc-echo

Congratulations to: @arc-echo

Die Regeln sind einfach: Kommentar hinterlassen und du bist dabei - per Zufall wird dann ein Gewinner ausgesucht. Bis wenige Minuten bevor mein neuster Actifit-Beitrag oben ist kann man noch teilnehmen! Bot-Accounts sind ausgeschlossen.

The rules are simple: leave a comment and you're in - a winner will be chosen at random. You can still take part until a few minutes before my latest Actifit post is up! No Bots.


Ist das deine Freundin? Schaut gar nicht Griechisch aus... !INDEED !LOL

@annasdiary Das kannst du so nicht stehen lassen :D

Halloooo, was soll das denn??? 😂😂 (werde in Griechenland immer auf englisch angesprochen 😭đŸ„Č)

!LOOL Meinst Du denn, sie schaut schon Griechisch aus?

Wie viel wiegt deine Frau?
Frag mich bitte was Leichteres.

Credit: burn950
$LOLZ Token gesendet
Verwende den Befehl !WITZ oder !LOOL, um einen Witz und ein $LOLZ zu teilen.

Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP
.(5/10)@actifit-chris, ich habe dir im Namen von @svanbo einen

The !LOL command on your comment there didn't work. đŸ€ŻđŸ˜… !DIY

My girlfriend broke up with me because I quote Linkin Park too much.
But in the end, it doesn’t even matter.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of savvytester



@svanbo, I sent you an

Probably I've been tipping !LOL already twice before that one !wine

Did you hear about the dyslexic pimp?
He bought a warehouse.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of svanbo

NEW: Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $LOLZ@savvytester, I sent you an

Hard to verify it as your comments with the LOLZ token tipping command that time were already more than 3 days old. đŸ€ŻđŸ˜… !WEIRD !INDEED !DIY

Tips with LOLZ are not confirmed when the messge 3 days old? !WEIRD I though that was only the case with WINEX? !INDEED !DIY

The !LOLZ token tipping command can still work on posts and comments that are more than 3 (or any other number of) days old. đŸ€” What I mean is that I will need to scroll down a lot from both your comments feed as well as the LOLZ bot's, which would take a lot of time and the results won't be near as exciting. đŸ€ŻđŸ˜… !DIY

Did you hear about the cowardly pigeon?
He lacked COO-rage.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of savvytester

NEW: Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $LOLZ@svanbo, I sent you an

Don't be shy - share some DIY!

You can query your personal balance by !DIYSTATS

@savvytester just sent you a DIY token as a little appreciation for your comment dear @svanbo! Feel free to multiply it by sending someone else !DIY in a comment :) You can do that x times a day depending on your balance so:

Don't be shy - share some DIY!

You can query your personal balance by !DIYSTATS

@svanbo just sent you a DIY token as a little appreciation for your comment dear @savvytester! Feel free to multiply it by sending someone else !DIY in a comment :) You can do that x times a day depending on your balance so:

Don't be shy - share some DIY!

You can query your personal balance by !DIYSTATS

@savvytester just sent you a DIY token as a little appreciation for your comment dear @svanbo! Feel free to multiply it by sending someone else !DIY in a comment :) You can do that x times a day depending on your balance so:

Don't be shy - share some DIY!

You can query your personal balance by !DIYSTATS

@savvytester just sent you a DIY token as a little appreciation for your comment dear @svanbo! Feel free to multiply it by sending someone else !DIY in a comment :) You can do that x times a day depending on your balance so:

Beautiful couple. You're a lucky guy.

Thank you! :) I really am! 🙏

I think I haven't read you ate fishes


I rarely eat fish! I don't know why, it tastes amazing. I make sure to get some fish on my next trip to the grocery store!

Maybe you prefer boneless versions of fishes that you would eat. đŸ€”đŸŸđŸ˜ !WEIRD !INDEED !DIY

Don't be shy - share some DIY!

You can query your personal balance by !DIYSTATS

@savvytester just sent you a DIY token as a little appreciation for your comment dear @actifit-chris! Feel free to multiply it by sending someone else !DIY in a comment :) You can do that x times a day depending on your balance so:

count me in please thanks Chris!


(1/10) sent you LUV. | tools | discord | community | HiveWiki | <>< daily@actifit-chris, @dubble

Made with LUV by crrdlx

Why did the astronaut throw away his vegetarian burger?
He wanted something *meteor*.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of dubble

Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP@actifit-chris, I sent you an

!LOLZPlease add me for the draw- @middle-earthling đŸș🍕☕ Congrats @arc-echo

I saw 4 guys beating up 1 guy so i stopped to help.
He had no chance against all 5 of us.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of middle-earthling

NEW: Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $LOLZ@actifit-chris, I sent you an


count me in




Why does Davy Jones never bend his knees?
Cause they're always Kraken

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of monsterbuster

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.@actifit-chris, I sent you an


BEERHey @actifit-chris, here is a little bit of from @thehockeyfan-at for you. Enjoy it!

BEER at dCity game to buy cards to rule the world.Did you know that <a href='https://dcity.io/cityyou can use

add me pls @ladymisa :)

Count me in again đŸ‘đŸ» Thanks! @blitzzzz

Count with me.

Homeoffice gibt in meiner Branche leider nicht. đŸ€Ł

@logen9f likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(4/5)@actifit-chris! to your account on behalf of @logen9f.

(html comment removed: )