Actifit Updates - Web V1.6.7 + iOS V0.10.3 Out

in Actifit4 days ago

We are excited to share another update with several releases of Actifit platforms.

Since our latest update, many new features, functionalities and fixes have made it to, with the most recent push taking place today. Below is a quick list of what you can find:

Actifit Web V1.6.7

  • Exchange Support to Wallet: we have integrated exchange detection on wallet so that if you are sending funds over to an exchange, 2 things are checked to avoid loss of funds:
    • Ensuring you are populating the memo field
    • Ensuring you are sending HIVE NOT HBD, as most exchanges do not support HBD deposits.
  • Implement new mention list functionality when creating/editing content to easily tag/autocomplete usernames, relying on block explorer APIs. This allows an autocomplete list in usernames prompted by @.
  • Implement free referral signup link functionality under referrals page. Whenever you have free claimable signup links you can claim them, or you can simply find your existing links there.
  • Implement new user hover card to display useful into about the user.
  • Enhance landing page layout + implement new animations
  • Implement new heading style across the web version's pages + improve tags display
  • Implement new rank display for users.
  • Append comment data to top of posts signature.
  • Move branding over from "Rewarding Your Everyday Activity" to "It Pays to be Fit" across web.
  • Improve grid layout for posts.
  • Fix date positioning in posts.
  • Improve wallet history display with additional data supported and (+/-) transactions highlight.
  • Add a reblog indicator for posts reblogged by the user
  • Implement fix to support leo-uploaded images.
  • Limit pending notifications count.
  • Add loader while loading comments.
  • Fix crash issue when cycling through user posts/content
  • Fix issue with claiming wallet balances
  • Fix issue with navigating posts displays empty content.

Actifit iOS V0.10.3

  • UI Enhancements: Improved screen headers for a cleaner and more unified look across the app.
  • History Screen Fixes: Resolved bugs affecting storing and tracking user history.
  • Wallet Screen Update: Fixes affecting display of balances
  • Adjusted toast message position to accommodate the bottom bar.
  • Added pull-to-refresh for easier data updates.

As always, we would love your feedback on new features, changes, and/or any issues you face while using the app.
You know the drill, hit us up here or via discord website | Android | iOS | Discord | Twitter

Actifit team


Thanks for your hard continuing to improve the app! It is much appreciated!

Congratulations and thanks for update this amazing platform