5K Training Session #9 - My Actifit Report Card: January 25 2025

in Actifitlast month

I went out this morning with a local run club to do a 3 mile loop and decided to really push my pace. I ended up getting my best time yet in these little training sessions!

While I’m not quite under a nine minute mile, I do think that I can get there relatively soon. What I probably need to do earlier in my run is push the pace. I tend to start a little slower and be more conservative so I don’t burn out but I think if I push a sub 9 min/mile pace from the get go on my next run I can keep it there throughout.

I enjoy the gamification of it as I track my pace throughout my run and it motivates me to push harder. Hoping to hit that goal and report back to you with success on my next run!

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io



Very good, sounds like you are doing it right. Keep it up!
