Woburn Festival [eng/deu]

in Actifit7 months ago (edited)

Hello Hivers!
Anke here aka Anna-NewKey.

Jump to the German version

We have been pretty busy lately. My arm is getting better, but it's still a while to go for a full recovery.
I have picked up my little bass and even played a full two hours at a gig last Sunday. My Baby Taylor is the next target, but slow does it.

I just discovered that my Actifit hasn't been running so no step count at all.
I have been using my Garmin properly again to link it to a diet app and it's always been a gripe of mine that Actifit only allows Fitbit.
Ah, well.

Yesterday we played at Woburn Sands Festival 2024 for the first time.
It was chucking for most of the day and they had to cancel a few outdoor things due to water damage, I believe.

We were lucky enough to play at a pub under a gazebo.
We had the prime spot at 8pm and it was petty busy.
The Royal Oak books people and Helen the landlady came out when we had finished to ask for our card; she said we got everybody singing. Excellent!

She has live music on Friday night's I believe, and is fully booked for the rest of the year, but we might get some bookings for next year.




Shaun who played before us.



German Version

Wir waren in letzter Zeit ziemlich beschäftigt. Meinem Arm geht es besser, aber bis er sich vollständig erholt hat, dauert es noch eine Weile.
Ich habe angefangen meinen kleinen Bass zu Spielen und letzten Sonntag sogar volle zwei Stunden bei einem Auftritt gespielt. Meine Baby Taylor ist das nächste Ziel, aber nur ganz langsam.

Ich habe gerade festgestellt, dass mein Actifit nicht läuft, also überhaupt keine Schrittzählung.
Ich benutze meine Garmin Uhr wieder richtig, um sie mit einer Diät-App zu verknüpfen, und es war schon immer ein Ärgernis, dass Actifit nur Fitbit zulässt. Was soll's.

Gestern haben wir zum ersten Mal beim Woburn Sands Festival 2024 gespielt.
Es tegnete den größten Teil des Tages und sie mussten, glaube ich, ein paar Outdoor-Aktivitäten wegen Wasserschäden absagen.
Wir hatten das Glück, in einem Pub unter einem Pavillon zu spielen.

Wir hatten um 20 Uhr den besten Platz und es war ziemlich voll.
Die Wirtin Helen des Royal Oak Pubs bucht Livemusik und kam raus als wir fertig waren, um nach unserer Karte zu fragen; sie sagte, wir hätten alle zum Singen gebracht. Ausgezeichnet!

Ich glaube, sie hat Freitagabends Livemusik und ist für den Rest des Jahres ausgebucht, aber wir bekommen vielleicht ein paar Buchungen für nächstes Jahr.




Shaun, der vor uns gespielt hat.



That's it for today; Thanks for looking!

All images are property of anna-newkey, steve-o2023 and steve.and.anke unless otherwise stated.
I use Google Translate to translate from English to German before manually tidying up the translation

Anna-NewKey, one half of Steve O and Anke


Glad your arm is recovering. I’ve had the same issue with Actifit and hope that they are aware.

I keep forgetting to start it up as
I thought it should run in the background anyhow.

I had better get up and make use of the sun while it's out. 🌞
Have a lovely Sunday!

For some reason it doesn’t sync any longer with the latest iOS, so maybe not the same reason it wasn’t working for you?

Ah, yeah, that might have been different.

Yesterday was pretty wet generally. At least you could still play and good to hear you are recovering. It's looking good for Goatfest today and we'll miss you being with us.

Thanks Steve!
Yeah, would have liked to be there but I'm not singing or doing anything much, so the other gigs are more suited.
Have fun and break a leg!
I think we'll pop over this Wednesday for the Jam.. 🤞

You guys seem pretty busy, but it will be great to see you on Wednesday.

This looks like a fun time! I’m getting my Garmin today! …so what is Actifit? I always thought it was a device, but now I’m thinking it could be a dapp!?

How are you keeping?
Yes, it's a step counter app that you can post directly into the Actifit community with.

I’ve been doing well! I’ve slowed down a lot on the music, but have been making lots of progress on my new/current goals of getting in shape and making friends with crows :)

How’ve you been? How’s the arm???

I kind of took some time off from Hive, but I’m glad to see you’re still out there bringing your sunshine to the world!

Oh, thought you were in shape.. 😉
That's a good goal, I'm trying the same although I'm limited to just walking right now as I can't lift much yet and can't push either, no downward facing dogs and such like.. 🙄

I'm not much on here either at the moment.. too busy offline; my last post is from over a month ago.
I find it too much work at times creating and not getting much attention.. I rather learn a new song.. lol

Why you're not making much music? I thought you were getting gigs at your local pubs?
I meant to fly over and watch you, remember? 😉😄

Hahaha thank you! I’m yeah I guess there’s just room to improve and I want to do my best…also not sure if you saw or not, but I just found out my wife and I will be having our third child, and our first son :)

I get that, I phase in and out as well! …and I’m still playing if I ever find out you’re coming out, either I’ll get a gig, or we’ll just crash an open mic together!!!

If you want to see the little bit I have done, I keep my music videos organized by year - the image is a link to this year :)

How nice to read that little by little you are recovering, two full hours is quite a feat in those conditions, I think!

Mmm and haven't you tried that, if your watch fails, actifit synchronizes with your cell phone?

Hey, Nina!
Yes, it's slow, but getting there little by little. 🤞

Actifit is an app on the phone. It can take the step count from a fitbit but not a Garmin watch.
Not a big deal, but inconvenient.. lol