My Actifit Report Card: April 15 2024

in Actifit11 months ago

I walked into the gym to see a new one.
Bad lighting though really sorry for that but all angles were affected by the light.
This inscription No pain No gain is a really powerful one. For many who aim at loosing weight, building muscle , keeping fit generally. We all have to have this in mind that for change and progress to occur, you have to work for it. And while working you have to enjoy the pain and you'll get the gains.

So I came straight from school this morning and came directly to the gym. I promised that I'll be consistent for the next 6 months, and now am approaching the first month.

I've made a lot of progress lately, despite being away for 2 month plus, am beginning to get better.

So today I did some upper body workout .
I was really tired when I got to the gym though. But I had to get some gains today.

So i did some warm up exercises and then moved on to the flat bench press and benched for 5sets super setting it with lat pull downs.

Then I curled with a barbell and also did the incline bench press. I think I was a bit lazy today. But I was just really tired though.

This was my fitness activity for today.
That's all from me.

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Gym
