My 2ndinterim exam is going. Yesterday, I had two exam. One was Animal science exam and the another one is public speaking. First exam was cancelled. And the another exam was held. It was an impromptu exam. An impromptu speech is a short, unplanned, and unscripted talk that is delivered without preparation. So, I was nervous. Our mam gave us instant topic and every students got three minutes time for preparation. But we have only one option that was Google for collect information abot the topic. However, I gave my speech smoothly. I became so much happy. And I felt confident that I also can do. My progress in my life today is I confident enough that I can do and not feel nervous.
I want to say to you that don’t worry. Be confident and focus to your goal. Sooner or later you will reach in your goal.
Have a great day! Good luck 🍀
Wow you did incredible work. Congatulations for yours satisfing results. I do think the same. When you want to get realy to your goals, on the end you will reach them. Have a nice evening.