Barack Obama :Hidden Truths & Life Views....

in Actifit4 years ago

Barack Obama

The biggest ICON of politics in the American corner, whose emergence as a black president, running for white house, his legacy, teachings, philosophy and lifetime achievement and contribution etc...I know, a lot to consider..Not an easy task to say about the history of this man.

Its a miraculous event, that happened for the first time when barack got nomination from Democratic end, but, before his long presidential political campaign, he was a congressional senator, a lawyer in profession, very educated and a person rich in rhetorical ability.

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I was enthralled and long been fascinatined by his service and kind of Iconic stature & persona he creates, while his presidency, a lot to learn and reflect from his biography.

First of all, lets judge the life scenario of Barack Obama. He was black in skin tone, came from a stray corner of African continent, his father was an economist and mother was a british descent.
Somehow Baracks parents were lucky to be a part of American citizenry, a golden ticket to the American soil,
endowed with enormous opportunity lying in front of them.

They somehow, believed in the possibilities of the nation, got american citizenship and laid the foundation of Barack Obamas successful career.

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Now,if we a ook back at the time when Obama was a young, undergraduate student, his steadfast effort to ensure a seat in the Harvard University, courageous attitude towards the path of peace & prosperity, whats get going inside the mind of him, these are the things that took my interest to study Obama & his life..

Obama fought with several challenges in his life. Some of the encouraging thing that kept me enthralled during the study period was, his attitude which was extremely tenacious and powerful. He was kind of energetic and a belief of success that kept him way ahead of his contenders...

He was a young student and that time America was divided due to post racial conflict and a compression of colour domoinance played a big part in his life to stand up for peoples right and equality, a nationalistic attitude and taking part in politics to ensure the oppressed people could get their lost rights and privileges are equally distributed among common people.

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He was well educated and knew how to make sure Americans get their improvement well sustained and go through their triumphant march once again. He raised hope among millions of people across the every corner of American soil, raised productivity & created many jobs and work employment for unemployed graduates, that made differences.

Not all Presidents get a chance to be elected for a second term, it needs a unique character for any president to have so...

{To be continued }....