My Actifit Report Card: March 8 2023 (De vuelta al futuro)

in Actifit2 years ago

Estoy de vuelta a la actividad con sesiones flash de 5 minutos en la escaladora.

Recuerdo que hace tiempo leí que un autor reconocido, un Dan Brown o alguno parecido, incluía las flexiones (dominadas) como parte de su rutina de escritura.

Decía que escribía un par de horas y luego, al piso, o al saco a pegarle golpes y patadas.

Clonare el método y compartiré mis resultados en un #thread.


This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Stair Mill
Back to activity with 5-minute flash sessions on the climber. I remember reading some time ago that a well-known author, a Dan Brown or some such, included push-ups (pull-ups) as part of his writing routine. He said he would write for a couple of hours and then get down on the floor, or on the bag and hit it with punches and kicks. I'll clone the method and share my results in a #thread.
