October 1 2023 - Another day on camp 🏕

in Actifitlast year

It was another day on camp. We had some fun games to play. We made them an assault course but with a difference.

They had to carry a large wooden structure over the course, with one of the team blind folded.

It was hungry work so of course, more cooking and feeding the young people on camp.

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I am boy scout (from 12 to 18 years old, so I'm not active anymore) and I miss camping, damn I saw this post and your recent ones and I'm a bit jealous lol.

By the way, I sent you a dm on discord, are you still active there?

It's a few years now since I was a bou Scout but I missed it so much I became an adult volunteer.

I love it as I can still be like a kid and do all the adventurous activities with them whilst helping and coaching the young people.

I was pretty mad at all the bad rep some scout leaders gave to the whole movement. A few bad actors ruin the fun for everyone. Then the politics involved in the whole boys and girl scouts etc...

But man, I miss it. I've wanted to go camping for years and I did it a few months ago with my gf and niece and it was a shitshow, it rained, they complained, they wanted a bed etc etc xD

Fun days

That's life all over, its often a few bad actors who ruin a good thing for everyone else.

The Scout movement definitely took a knocking but here in the UK, a lot of work has been done to modernise and put safeguarding controls in.

For me, I have a passion to help others develop and reach there full potential. Scouting as an adult leader gives me the chance to challenge and inspire some young people and then see the incredible journeys of growth that they go on.

I can do all of that whilst doing some pretty cool adventurous activities that I wouldn't do otherwise.
