Officer Doesn't Know That The Female Corpse He Clapped Is Still Alive//My Actifit Report Card: June 3 2024

in Actifit9 months ago (edited)


Hello my dear friends in the @actifit community, how is your day going? I decided to share with you all a #movierecaponleo project that I have been running, you can click on my profile for more movie recap.

Today, am gonna be recapping a video of an "Officer Who Doesn't Know That The Female Corpse He Clapped Is Still Alive" you can lick on the above link in other to watch the recap video.



The opening scene features a funeral director Elliot Deacon who owns a funeral home. As a part of his daily routine, he prepares the corpses for their funeral while talking to them softly, currently, he has been seen preparing the body of an elderly piano teacher we then cut to a middle school teacher and Taylor who is having intercourse with her boyfriend paul, despite the romantic setting she doesn't seem to be enjoying it and all. Later while showering, Paul inquiries about the matter but she insists that she's fine though her expression says the opposite, following this, Anna goes to work where she finds two big kids bullying her little student Jack,


she reprimands them and immediately fans them off after work she is leaving school when the lights start flickering in the hallway scared she frantically runs towards the exit but finds the door locked.

At this intense moment Jack appears and inexplicably opens the door without any problem, that evening she attends the funeral of her former pianist teacher at Elliot's place, as she approaches the dead body she sees it moving its mouth saying


"Have you been practicing your scales"? startling her for a moment but upon having a second look she finds that it's normal and realizes that it must have been her imagination.

Later that night, Anna goes to meet Paul at a fancy restaurant for dinner, he tells her about his promotion to the company's headquarters so he has to move to Chicago, he then positively brings from his pocket intending to propose to her and take her along with them but before he can do so and starts arguing as she thinks that he's going to break up with her, Paul tries to explain the truth but she storms off without listening she drives off in a state of this stress and amidst the heavy rain ends up getting into a traffic accident.



In the next scene we see Anna on an embalming table in the funeral home with a pale face and a wound on her forehead. shortly after Elliot walks in and starts preparing her as he proceeds to undress her Anna opens her eyes and asks where she is, Elliot with a surprising calmness answers that she was in the funeral home and that she was the dead, he further reminds her that she collided with a truck loaded with metal pipes causing her to die eight hours ago.

Confused and terrified Anna still not believe she is dead despite the funeral director's reassurances that she's merely transitioning to the afterlife, meanwhile Paul wakes up in his house and attempts to contact his girlfriend numerous times however Anna's belongings are now with Elliott who disregards the call and puts them in a storage closet alongside the belongings of other courses, unable to find her anywhere. Paul goes to her mother's house to inquire about her whereabouts, much to his shock mom reveals about the tragic accident that led to her demise, in addition, she blames him for letting her drive in such bad weather.

Back in the funeral home Elliot stitches Anna wounds and she's perplexed that she isn't feeling the pain, she inquires about this but he ignores her and injects with a fictional drug called hydronaut bromide, of course, it has bro in the name which she claims will relax her muscles.


away late his wheelchair-bound mother arrives at the funeral home to see her in a crying voice, she talks to his body asking who is going to take care of her now. Before departing she asks Elliot to turn her hair to its natural color brown. later on Anna wakes up to find herself alone in the room, she masters up enough strength and sits in an upright possess she then walks up to the landline phone but it isn't working, just then Paul shows up at the funeral home and requests that Elliot let him see his girlfriend despite his desperation the funeral director doesn't let him in, he has no legal ties to her.


hearing Paul's voice and screams and pounds on the door but her efforts go unnoticed, Paul then goes to the police station to meet his friend Tom in hopes that he can do something to let him inside the funeral home however another police officer informs him that Tom has gone on patrol duty and I'll be back soon, until that time Paul enters the police impound and sits inside Anna's wrecked car, during this is a vision of his girlfriend which is suddenly interrupted by
Tom's hand, Paul employs him to do something to facilitate his entry to see an hour but the latter is helpless in this regard the other hand Anna wanders around the room and finds another corpse lying on the table not wanting to end up in such a fate, she grabs a pair of scissors and waits for Elliot as soon as he walks and she threatens to kill him, but the latter look
unfazed, he claims that she is incapable of harming him because she's already dead and argues questioning how she's able to talk to him if she's dead at this point Elliot reveals that she's able to talk to him because he has a gift and I have a very particular set of skills, the ability to communicate with dead people it's like the sixth
Swnse Jennifer's left boob he further suggests that she let go of life because her funeral is in three days after which she'll be put into a coffin and buried forever.

In the next scene Elliot is preparing an old woman's body for a funeral when he is joined by Jack he seems to know about Anna's death, the boy asks about her teacher ooh which Elliot replies that her funeral is on Friday and asks him to leave for now. The next morning Paul hears the whispering voice of Anna and also experiences visions of her taking a shower now's not the time for that Paul, however he says snaps out of asleep realizing that it was just a dream a wet dream. meanwhile Elliot returns to Anna with address guess which she will be wearing at her funeral, Elliot was distracted, she discreetly steals a bunch of keys from his pocket, later as Elliot sets out to pick up another dead body from the hospital and hastily uses the stolen keys and tries to unlock the door, Elliot pulls over at a gas station to refill his tank and this is when he realizes that he forgot his keys so he rushes back to the funeral home in the interim Anna manages to unlock the door and wanders around the house, she soon comes across a room with a telephone she quickly dials the Paul's number and starts praying for him to pick up after a long ring he does pick up the call but soon hangs up thinking that it's another hallucination at just then Elliot finds her and She sees her cor-corpse-likely in a mirror this finally makes her believe that she died at the same Jack who is standing right in front of the house notices Anna, leaving him in shock additionally another suspicious event transpires and size in front of mirror causing her to breathe to forget however Elliot cleverly wipes
it off before she sees it now that she is convinced of her death and stops resisting Elliott's, preparation of her body and doesn't give any importance to what he has ministers her with. the following day, paul goes to a school to collect her belongings when he's about to leave he is greeted by Jack who tells him that he saw Anna in the funeral home wearing a red dress yesterday, paul doesn't believe him and asserts that she is dead but when the boy claims that he doesn't love her enough, Paul becomes so angry that he slaps his face just slaps says of the face in front of everyone, at the funeral home a police officer arrive the dead body of his brother who is kept in the same room is Anna, he then asks Elliott leave him alone with his brother for a few minutes as the future director leaves, the officer's intentions become apparent as he approaches Anna's naked body but just when he's on the verge of touching her Elliot walks in and asked him to leave.

Afterwards Jack visits the funeral home and confides in Elliot what he saw the other day at response Elliot calmly replies that they both share the same ability to communicates with deceased individuals infact everyone has it, it's called the power of gas lighting. on his way Paul suddenly recalls the red dress at the wall in the morning before she died, this raises his suspicion that his girlfriend might still be alive he rushes to the funeral home demanding to see her that Elliot refuses this time Paul ignores him and breaks in calling out for Anna, he continue searching for her until the funeral director threatens to summon the police. paul then goes to the police station and tells Tom that his girlfriend is still alive, he further speculates that Anna has been sedated with some high dose of drugs slowing down her heartbeat to the lowest point however his friend doesn't believe in him as he doesn't have any evidence to back up his claim. later on Elliot dresses Hanna in her funeral attire while they've some deep conversation she confesses that she was never happy with her life and wasn't able to love paul wholeheartedly however now she regrets everything at the scene then cuts to the day of the funeral were Elliot places Anna in the coffin, as he prepares to injector with another dose of drugs she asks to see herself just one last time he then holds up a small mirror and while she stares at herself, she notices her breath condensing on the glass, this makes her realizes that Elliot has been lying to our the entire time and that she isn't dead yet in a state of panic.



she tries to fight but Elliott administers the drugs rendering her unconscious, later everyone gathers at the funeral hard to pay their final respects to Anna a short while later Paul also shows up and places the engagement ring on her finger during this time her lips and eyelids move a little so Elliot nervously decides to close the cops and after it is buried in a graveyard, the devastated Paul starts drinking heavily and is then approached by the funeral director whom Paul blames for buring Anna Alive,



in response Elliot claims that maybe he is right and tells him to go check for himself and faid sided Paul reacts aggressively before he can attack Elliot tells him that he does not have much time left sensing the urgency of the situation Paul drives towards the graveyard at full speed meanwhile,


Anna wakes up inside the coffin and frantically screams for help as she slowly runs out of oxygen despite being under the influence of alcohol Paul dodges several vehicles on the highway and then arrives at the graveyard and quickly digs up and his coffin taking her out he somehow manages to revive her, after which she confesses her love for him at the same time Paul hear some odd sounds and Anna explains it to be the sound of Elliot's scissors cutting his clothes.



the next second Paul finds himself in the funeral home with Elliot standing over him and preparing his body as he did Anna's, Elliot reveals to him
that he never made it to the cemetery due to a car accident that killed him. paul protests that he is alive until Elliot inserts embalming trocar deep into his torso the shrift may have just been an excuse for a bunch of tasteless nudity but that was a pretty good.

Thanks for reading through this movie recap.

The screenshot where taking from the movie and edited with the Snapseed App

Fee free to click on this link to watch the video of this recap.

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Home Improvement, House Chores, Walking, Yard Work


So the question it worth watching or is it just silly, in your opinion?

Good job with your 5061 @actifit steps for the day. Take care and let us know! 🤗💜

To me, if I haven't seen it before, I can just watch it but at the end, I may be disappointed by what happened at the end.

Oh well; some are better than others! Take care my friend and have a lovely day!🤗
